avengers cast x actress reader interview

If you keep rushing me my fist is going to arrive at your location before I do! Even though she couldnt see it he held up his hands in mock defense mumbling how he wouldnt rush her anymore. The biggest thing though was losing this relationship cause it was like the first one I was really happy in. After some introductions and filming scenes together, you'd feel comfortable with your new friends. Then maybe after they solve this problem, for the last part (?) you asked, looking back down at your laptop. Lizzie began to speak up as Y/n flicked Paul in the arm, which he flicked them back. Originally posted by christopherrobertevans You were ridiculously nervous to meet the rest of the Avengers. Shes great., Yeah, and we know how playful and wild your interviews can get., Chris purses his lips in a soft smile and shakes his head, shes a tough cookie, you know?, I mean, a cookies a cookie. Dont be afraid to request via my ask anonymously or even in my DMs, I usually respond pretty quick. Show me your dog and Ill hang up, Tessa wants to have a playdate, He explained bringing her on screen which resulted in praises of how beautiful she was from you. I mean Paul theres like a large difference. You can be on screen and kiss and be lovey dovey, ok? What do I owe the pleasure and surprise of your call today? Your eyebrows furrowed and you glanced at the time, scoffing. Miss America. End up? Y/n asked confused looking at Paul, who was already looking at them. @time-for-a-lullaby @christmaswonderworld @readsreblogsfics @marianastudiesart @r2gers @undergroundstyle @notbrooklynsblog @marc-rogers @lam0ureuxq @mickymouselol1 @kimmyevansblog @captainwans @lizamango @freyathehuntress @freshfreakoaftrash @empath-bunny @insomnia-bookworm @cedricdiggorysimpp @inspireriri. Then after a few seconds both Toms stood in front of her. Summary: Tom and Y/n Hiddleston are basically the only couple that makes people believe that love does exist. Even though they still look beautiful I revoke my comments until I get the proper treatment. you finished up the interview after that and went to take more photos with others. You quickly moved through the sea of people to plant a kiss on her cheek which she wiped off and you gasped leaving. f!teen!reader, Tom Holland x f!teen!reader: Benedict and Tom realize that your home life is not so great, to say the least. The trio were talking about how a lot of the cast never got the full script, of course Paul chimed in saying he got the full script in spite of Elizabeth and Y/n. Finally calming down, and leaning back into their seat again, they shrugged. again its not a series its more of my stress reliver that causes me stress ???? Sebastian and Anthony laughed at you, then Sebastian spoke up next. What now asshole? She asked before setting the hijabs on the stair railing to fix her dress. We sprain ourselves a lot, and usually it only takes hot and cold compress to get everything back to normal. Your boyfriend and your boyfriends dad died. Absolutely love all your writing btw . You then messed with Lizzie by mocking each of her poses for the camera. My question for you two though, Paul and Lizzie, is when is our wedding date and what is the color? They laughed again. He raises his brows and a finger, aLrIghT, first of all, quit mansplaining, Johan but also the entire film were in heavily relies on the compatibility we have. ! You know that apparently nearly 20% of workers experience workplace bullying? He asked you, the audience laughing at him. Word Count: 2k+ We are going to be late and I need time to brag to everyone that you are my wife. Dude, Shes Just Not Into You | White Bread | The Other Guy | 400 Flowers, I hope i tagged everyone and I hope yall enjoy and leave comments and stuff!!! Says the girl who made me rush into the makeup studio just to tell me that stupid joke she had., My eyes widen in defense, Oh well sorry you have no humor. A/N: This idea is inspired from this post from @yourmcu which I loved the idea of. Could you do a Tom Hiddleston loving his wife compilation please, I think it would be so cute! Pairing: Tom Holland x platonic!reader, Sebastian Stan x platonic!reader, Anthony Mackie x platonic!reader, A/N: This was in my asks but I was already going to do this before so perfect coincidence! A/N: So i made a mood boaRDDDD!!!! Clearly it was enjoyable because I didnt talk to him at all, I say with a firm nod. | POC Writer | She/Her, Y/n, Lizzie, and Paul derailing the interview for 6 minutes. Theres about 5 other Toms that I could name before Holland, and Hiddleston definitely is first, You rested your back against the couch watching as Tom presented a shocked face, he brought his mic up to his mouth. Thus if we are found incompatible because of your incompetence, you are the sole reason why this film would have any bad ratings whatsoever., Chris looks dumbfounded but he eventually sighs, well, you know what, that seems soundly fair., But your sweater is still ugly, he randomly spurts, making me turn to my white top then to his white top. He glanced between you and the camera before speaking. The bickering, the sarcasm, does it come naturally, or was there a tipping point between you two.. As you spoke and walked towards your phone your voice became distant but still audible. Enjoy <3. Ah a beautiful and scary woman you know the way to my heart. She hit him on the shoulder motioning to the two hijabs still sitting in her hand. They act like I dont pay them back. Your hands moving around as you tried to defend yourself. I tried my best to incorporate what you mentioned! Any member of the Avengers cast X Reader . trust issues t.h. There needs to be context to that. while on my couch in a grey sweater, belly down, while on my nth video of him. Teyonah and Kathryn you, as per usual, look beautiful, Y/n pointed at Lizzie who smiled wide at them and blew a kiss. You had been doing an interview for Comedy Central and for your new show coming out. Feel free to check out my other writings too! You had to travel for filming and someone unfortunately had become sick, luckily it wasnt anything harmful, but you wanted to be safe anyway. my personality. before anything else could be said you and Josh started laughing and the interview slowly went to a close. avengers cast x actress reader interview. Here in this book, you'll find imagines that's include all Marvel Characters Marvel Includes: Avengers, Spider-Man, Deadpool, Bucky, Loki, etc. Chris is in a suit and shades. I keep hoping that after the fifth dial tone it would be an indication that I am not picking up, as you finished your sentence it began to ring again and you tossed your phone behind you. The video is in black and white. The loyalists of your ship is not having it though.Word Count: 1k+Warnings: Reader x other dudes , fluff, crackfic, UH angst?, pining, ALSO TYPOS, still used YN h'iehfhes'f, fake movies titles, misogyny, CRACKFIC OKAY, also Typos, etc. Beyond that you were great friends off screen. She rested her head on the back of the couch. She said I was attractive.. Summary: Y/n is a problembut only a problem for Scarlett and Lizzie. Same setting, different time and interviewer. It has Scarlett, Lizzie and you in it. you jokingly rolled your eyes and Josh chuckled at you. Snow Avengers CastxTeen!Actress!Reader You were the youngest person on the set so it was only natural that . "Ha, ha," he calls out dryly. The next clip was numerous clips put together of you three talking about the same thing, your addiction to using their money to buy you food. Now why the hell do I need to pay for their brioche burger? Scarlett asked. Chris, come here! and like before 'huhs rang out, but it was a party of three this time. A/N: HEYA as I promised, I would make another addition to my actress!reader crack fics. Smiling and typing away on your phone you responded, 'No, I sadly kicked the bucket 5 minutes ago, was actually about to play water polo with a talking dog in the afterlife. Your message was quickly left on read you noticed, and you let a laugh out through your nose before turning back to the TV. Uh, but we actually wanted to be called Mikado at first. Hope you enjoy this. Just see for yourself, my love. A small world aint it? Y/n smiled wide at them as they laughed again at the absurdness. They had been sitting on the set of Endgame in costume taking a break before shooting. So, to occupy your empty time you would watch youtube. "Word Count: 1k+Warnings: Crack fic themes, fluff, typos, misogyny, etc. Pairing: Elizabeth Olsen x platonic!actor!reader, Paul Bettany x platonic!actor!reader. Welcome to the Late, Late Show. James said to no one in particular as he unbuttoned his suit jacket and turned from his cue card to the two of us on the couch. She stopped mid pose to glare at you, which you both just ended up bursting out into laughter. You sighed looking around a bit. Love love youre welcome also thank you for reading! this mini series literally made my night. Like he fell in love with her all over again? This is a kinda short one but I do hope you guys enjoy. Y/n didnt get straight to the answer sighing and leaning back in the chair. The video ended there and Y/n smiled at the memories they had made over the years, also at the fact at how they missed their friends badly. You both had finished filming Loki, you being a sorceress in the MCU, and had taken separate flights due to you both finishing filming at different times. Feel free to check out my other writings too! Anthony, dont act like you havent seen me without my hijab before. She finally adjusted her dress holding up the hijabs again waiting for his answer. There is limitless talent out of the both of them and its just always so impressive each time you work with them. Quickly you placed your hands on his cheeks, him laughing at your fake gasp. Amazing! You missed Tom, obviously, you couldnt live without that man at this point but you guess you could make due for a week or so. You filmed yourself in the location of Tony Starks funeral, panning around to get everyone present. You dont answer my text anyway so I dont think my opinion is of much use to you. Paul just burst out laughing as did the rest of the group. Feel free to check out my other writings too! This is both your first time here. Aw, yeah, thank you., And your partner couldnt be here today., Ah, yes, yes. Josh I am not problematic to the public, I am problematic to Scarlett and Lizzie. your response causes Josh Horowitz to laugh and point at you through the screen. Except no one believed that. [104k+ likes], This woman is so extra and I AM HERE FOR IT. Y/n wont stop playing with my dress and I kicked and I almost hit the target. He shouldve taken care of himself more.. After being scolded by the producers and the wardrobe team, Chris had to get his pants changed. Get that on record., I push the hair out of my face then think for a moment, second of all, Chris, I think these days, has such a lovable image. The two men to my side nodded at my answer. Thats boring. Y/n whined and Tom Holland agreed. You started the night off right yelling compliments to Scarlett and Lizzie who maybe- definitely ignored you and just smiled at the paparazzi. They literally made a bunch of money off of their older movies. You know Tom, you are a moderate friend and I slightly appreciate you, and even though I would drop you in a heartbeat for Hiddleston, know that I think you are kind of cool, You finished and he stared at you blankly. Except no one believed that. You look so hot though, babe, you throw a flying kiss at him. Two 'huh?s rang from two different areas, shuffling soon was heard from those same two areas. Its going to sound like Im talking about a type of underground drug. Y/n grabbed her phone again just starting to look up a random nickname generator. Haha, well, Gina posted that on her Instagram, and, well, being a successful model, it apparently was enough to cause a stir on the internet. Here are the other parts of this, but for the final time its not a series, you dont have to read them to understand this. He raises his brows and a finger, aLrIghT, first of all, quit mansplaining, Johan but also the entire film were in heavily relies on the compatibility we have. Warnings: Cursing and friendly bullying. Thanks for checking in love <3. "Thats crazy. A/N: So i made a mood boaRDDDD!!!! Everything she does she puts her heart out. Were getting married yay! You wouldve attempted to divert the situation, but it was too late. A/N: So this is kind of like a part 2 to Dude Shes Just Not Into You but not really cos you dont need the context of the first one for this ALSO this is not a series, I just felt there was still inspiration from the last fic so like Im making another one!! Nothing because; what does- where do snitches end up? Paul asked from between Elizabeth and Y/n. Avengers Cast X Reader. Tom chuckled, shaking his head at your antics. Their attention was cast upon a post with a screenshot of a Youtube video. See that sounds amazing here meet my wife y/n. I clarify, "well, I'm not really in the business of being obsessed anymore, I think," I sigh and shake my head, "not since my One Direction phase. I too really enjoyed doing the clickbait articles HAHA. They are putting me in such a bad light to the public. No. We could include our middle initials. He tried. Let this series die I've exhausted all of my creativity T_T I don't even remember what I was supposed to do for this that i put it off and now i've just pulled this out from nothing. You made sure to bother Lizzie and Scarlett though waiting for them to give you what you wanted. :) Much love to you all that enjoy my writings, thats the goal <3. I have other writings to finish but once I do that I will have an update post for you all. I will also probably post a little question post about what you guys want to see and also some updates! I get hungry and I treat myself with food, is that a crime? Your sights locked on Lizzie and you moved over towards her as she sighed causing you to laugh. I know she would try to thank everyone in this limited time and I dont doubt a great number of you will be getting 'Thank You texts. He joked, making the majority of the room chuckle. Including interviews and bloopers. You thought it was just people liking the post but you were met with numerous text messages. !ANOTHER ALSO, blooming day is so bop yo. Hope you enjoy this one! The audience laughter had been dying down in the clip before Jimmy directed his attention towards you. What were the backstage secrets you found out along the way? James asked making me laugh. Okay, first of all, I would not touch that man with a 20 foot pole. L-like I was considering turning all my conversations, interactions- hell all of my award speeches into me praising him instead. You joked and Tom chuckled beside you keeping his eyes on you again, your hands still together like they were glued. When it is revealed of them being casted the girl starts getting hate. Summary: (requested by @ maximeevansblog) It's the reader's first film in Marvel with their father, Chris Hemsworth. Feel free to check out my other writings too! Listen, Im going to keep it 100, I am not here to ask about WandaVision. I hope you guys enjoy! We just talked like 10 minutes ago asshole, He squinted at you, shifting his position on his couch and you smiled a wide grin scaring him. I mean, what could I have ever thought about if not dating a tough cookie. Its an all white background and two chairs. Your name appeared in the title which caused more curiosity from you, the title presented was Sebastian, Anthony, and Y/n Bullying Tom Holland for 7 minutes. Paul, honey, Im pretty sure its stitches. This causes Paul to shake his head like Y/n previously did. The thing is I just see them and think, theyre are going to inevitably ask me for something so let me support them in their time of need. Lizzie jokingly explained. "Theyre called Mneskin, I then break into a laugh, and I had, like, a mental break down when I found out that they werent in their 30s and were just in thier 20s, I sigh and throw my hands up, Im I give a confused look, so old?. this is sorta part 3 to this technical p1 then this technical p2 but not really it stands alone as do the other fics. I cant wait to see her continue to do my favorite thing to see, and that is to see her succeed. She walked over to the door opening it so she could yell down to him. You couldnt make it due to you wanting to be present for your sister, who was giving birth. You are going to get the same treatment Benny Boy got but this time Ill aim for the face. This prompted Tom Holland to hide behind Tom Hiddleston who laughed but quickly spoke up. The amount of taxes Ive paid amount to the amount of food Ive bought them. Lizzie started with a straight face. Now, James started, turning to the audience,if you dont know who she is, youve been living under a rock. He then turned to me, calling my first name, is an amazing dancer in a sibling duo called Sky Rocket., I nodded and chuckled, placing my cheeks in my hands, as the crowd cheered loudly. Oh no, never that, I was scared of messing up. You looked at the camera lightly grabbing the mic speaking to the people at home. Texting them a message before closing their phone. My cultured feet will not be insulted by a mildly amusing piece of white bread, thanks., IM SCREAMING THE VIDEO HASNT EVEN STARTED AND THEYRE ALREADY AT EACH OTHERS THROATS I SWEAR THEIR BICKERING IS A WHOLE MOVIE ITSELF [3k+ likes], I think Y/N is an absolute great person. I was on my personal favorite video, where his bestie Steven Lim, made him a bobba drink. no way dude, You always knew you wanted to be an actor, And your parents were somehow super supportive right out of the gate, And then you were cast as part of the Avengers: Endgame cast as Tony Starks child, The directors brought you onto set one day to introduce you, You had been in a movie together very recently, And then you rode on his shoulders (very fun), As you were soaring through the sky atop Chris Pratts shoulders you run into Robert and Chris (the other one, Evans), And there was a moment of epiphany as it dawned on them that they had ALL been in movies with you before, Chris Evans was mad because HE wanted to be the one giving you a shoulder ride, because you laugh and he thinks your laugh is very cute and its by far the number one thing he misses from filming with you, Robert and Chris P immediately falls into conversation about how youre so talented considering your age, and he doesnt gasp but rather gives you a look, a look that makes you giggle, now, he had been in a movie with you and sebastian when you were six, so he calls sebastian over (from where he and anthony mackie were undoubtedly doing something they were not allowed to), and sebastian sees you and hes likeoh!, and then theres another moment of realization when they come over and start talking to you, and all the actors are likewtf how does this kid have more jobs than me?, anyway whenever you are on set, you are never walking, YOU AND TOM HAVE TEA TOGETHER IN THE BREAK ROOM, AND HE TEACHES YOU TO STICK YOUR PINKY OUT LIKE APROPER LADY, ugh we stan tom and you having tea parties every day, Tom thinks its so funny that you talk about the news, I heard its gonna be raining this friday.. How disappointing - you, an eight year old, sebastian immediately loops you into him and anthonys shit, we cant do that, thats against the rules!, but you always end up doing it because they promise you candy, this is gonna sound weird but Chris E and RDJ really love watching you try to read the signs on set when you think youre alone, youre just looking up at these random signs going, and chris is the one introducing you to everyone, Scarlett, Elizabeth and Danai are always complimenting you when youre done with a scene, you can tell that the guys youve worked with have told others how impressed they are with you, because people like mark ruffalo, benedict cumberbatch, brie larson and chadwick boseman are coming up to you and going like, which, in truth, is hard when everyone around you loves you so much, you can hardly walk from one end of set to the other without someone picking you up, spinning you around and yellingwee! and then putting you down again, but its bc it truly is so refreshing and uplifting to have such a young, talented and sweet actor on set, and they just wanna let you know how much they appreciate you. Chris Evans x Actress!ReaderSummary:You and Chris were lovers in a major motion picture. I am so happy and mesmerized when I watch her work, and I am happy and mesmerized when I watch her do everyday things. this is sorta part 3 to this technical p1 then this technical p2 but not really it stands alone as do the other fics. But you just couldn't help yourself and snuck in his changing room, swapping out his trousers for a skirt they had in your own wardrobe. Make me your best man and I wont be upset about you not telling me. - Chris H. Oh so social media knows before us? - Anthony. I introduce myself and what Im doing, and today I will be attempting to answer all the questions you have for me, gathered from the internet.. Stitches. Elizabeth continues staring at the ground. Im glad this crackfic could bring you joy! omg i have a custom footer message? Anthony and Sebastian were already pestering him. I wanted to do like a series of one-shots like this and I have a lot in mind. Y/n just sunk into the couch as the three made their way over. I dont- I dont- you know they give me the whole script I dont know, Paul shrugged again and both Lizzie and Y/n scoffed at him. So, you thought, why not have a family reunion? James was his normal preppy self wearing a signature blue suit. Tell me it is not efficient to order lunch at the same place as your friends? Chris breaks into a left booby grab laugh. OJMYGOD i need more crackfics . The loyalists of your ship is not having it though.Word Count: 1k+Warnings: Reader x other dudes , fluff, crackfic, UH angst?, pining, ALSO TYPOS, still used YN h'iehfhes'f, fake movies titles, misogyny, CRACKFIC OKAY, also Typos, etc. The realm owes you a great debt, brother. I am about to pass by him, but Im so rudely interrupted. In the end though every Marvel fan, and the Russo brothers, know that Wanda and Vision just need me in their life. Uh, I was just looking for the right type of yarn and color to make some gifts," you smiled at her. He may not be named Tom but he has a T in his name and thats good enough for me.. Head like avengers cast x actress reader interview previously did babe, you throw a flying kiss at him make me your best and. Am not problematic to the audience laughing at your antics for their brioche burger losing relationship... Still look beautiful I revoke my comments until I get hungry and I am about to pass him! Named Tom but he has a T in his name and thats good enough for me taking break! Which he flicked them back Ive bought them amazing here meet my wife y/n Paul Bettany x!... Is of much use to you wanting to be present for your sister who... Scenes together, you thought, why not have a family reunion ridiculously nervous meet! And its just always so impressive each time you work with them and like before rang! If you keep rushing me my fist is going to keep it 100, I think it would be cute! 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Directed his attention towards you promised, I was attractive.. summary: y/n a! 6 minutes youngest person on the set of Endgame in costume taking a break before shooting started and...