meditation on the four directions

Each time I move from one chakra-direction to another, I do a quick check in with all my chakras to make sure they are still aligned. On each inhale, imagine you are drawing in the energy of the rising sun. When Adam and Eve were dismissed they headed east in search of a new home. Remember the heart chakra is associated with the element of air, and air is required to stoke a fire. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. But fire also has the power to consume impurities and purify energies. Stand facing north and notice the angle of the sun andlandmarksthat may guide you without a compass. Support me as I see my own fears meditation stages kundalini yoga amazon taught bhajan yogi books flip front Conscious thoughts, therefore, arise in the east and take a clockwise direction until they return back to the subconscious mind in the north. Like our members, Gaia staff are driven by curiosity, passion and the desire to grow, as we continue on our own spiritual journeys and quests. You can apply these conditions to consciousness. If you are seeking to get in touch with your inner life, with your emotions, turn towards the west. After a long winter, the renewed sense of life emerges. The south is traditionally associated with growth, or as I pointed out earlier, transformation. We see this same principle in the Bible. By the end, I hope to have revealed how the esoteric meaning of the sequence reveals more about your psychology. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. With honor I greet you, Face the east with one arm up and the other palm open to receive, To the Winds of the East Remind of how to live with impeccability Words are offered to the East so they may fly and soar with Spirit. Copyright 1996-2023 Unitarian Universalist Association.All Rights Reserved. Now, I invite you to turn toward the direction that calls to you today. From the point of view of. Fire is a transformative force, it is heat and light and powerful change. As you release their energies back to their four directions, take a few deep breaths, acknowledge yourself back in the space you are in, and witness any changes in your being. Each new sunrise brings SOUTH:. Teach me to soar to new places, to fly wing to wing with Spirit, Place one palmon the earthand the otherarm up, Mother Earth- Pachamama Both the exoteric viewpoint and my esoteric theory relate to cycles of life, hence the common relationship between the four cardinal points, the seasons and time of day. I find that when I align my heart chakra energy point with the direction of the east, the rising sun, and new beginnings, Im able to align with my intentions, get a sense if they feel right to me, and set myself up for a successful day. West: Water, feeling and reflection. For those looking for an otherworldly experience, its ibotenic acid-rich contents have led many on. Likewise, air can also be chaotic, destructive and uncontrollable much like the runaway mind that cannot be silenced. Evening comes before morning. Master Mind Content is a leading authority in decoding ancient symbolism . Look straight ahead and think of the souththe source of heatas representing East. Thank you for reminding us our intention is what its all about and intention is personalwe have to figure that out for ourselves. It is centered on the belief that human beings are tied to all things in nature. Tell the children you May your kindness abound like hydrogen, which fuels every star. On the wheel for the South it shows the color of teal blue but says red and orange on the reading,why is That? West represents Autumn and the final harvest as the end of a cycle. This meditation is grounded in the kavanot of the Ari, as explained in the siddur of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi. spirit Take any inspiration gleaned from your sacred space and share them with the earth, your family, and your community. This knowing does not require a lot of effort. Meditation Techniques my morning meditation only takes 4-minutes South. I get it. On the shamanic medicine wheel, north is considered to be night and a place of nothingness where we return to the Great Mystery which will be ignited in the East. The north represents purity, meditation and intuition sometimes called Soul Retrieval.. The axiom also holds true when applied to mankind. himmelsrichtungen meditation jabrane bewerten The sun is also linked with the element of fire for obvious reasons, but for good reason; the sun provides life with sustenance and energy. Not sure what you really want or what to do to get it? The typical sequence of the four directions starts with the east and flows in a clockwise direction. Its also worth noting at this point that the layout of a Masonic lodge is designed on the biblical Temple of Solomon. Feeling the hardness, the felt sense of hardness. Imagine they are both being drawn in the northerly direction. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. However, as you will be aware, it is what we do with knowledge that is the important factor. WebSound Meditation is a type of mindfulness meditation that uses sounds to focus the mind. The sense of warmth. In my opinion, the symbolism within the four directions is not about developing ideas for cultivating, but about killing old habits to make way for new beginnings. Depending on the culture, the color associated with a direction can be vastly different. Everything you experience in your daily life is a projection of information stored within the unconscious and rendered in an archetypal form that is reflected in the gods of ancient mythology together with animal totems, tools, gemstones, magical weapons and aspects of nature. Its a good idea to maintain awareness of all of them while doing this meditation. Free Mindfulness Exercises Delivered Each Day. To help you determine your own, unique blend of qualities to associate with the directions I offer the following ideas that Ive accumulated from studying a number of cultures and nature herself. Negative interpretations in relation to the south can certainly be found in Christian interpretations of the Bible. It is in the subconscious mind where you personal programs are updated. The sensation of hardness. The exiles of Egypt travelled west to the promised land of Canaan , But water is also a symbolic mechanism for the unconscious. So, this is where you will start feeling subtle shifts in your body symmetry. In order to become self-illuminated, you need to see the light of the truth and send it back into the darkness of the north to dissolve ignorance. In truth, all four directions have a positive and a negative meaning. In your head, in your shoulders, in your trunk, in your legsjust heaviness. It is the source of light, and inspirationthe source of life itself. You create good luck or bad luck (evil) as a result. It is the direction of inspiration the word that literally means to take in air. Furthermore, following the directions in a clockwise direction is said to reveal the cycle of life from childhood to adulthood and the times of the day, albeit, the overarching meaning of growing old is the acquisition of wisdom. In Shamanic traditions, the entry gateway to the sacred circle, is in the east but you should be entering with a new understanding of yourself before you can safely walk the path. In his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, Manly P. Hall tells us air comes from water and fire. This makes sense when you consider freemasons walk in an anti-clockwise direction during memorial ceremonies and Hindus follow a counter-clockwise circumambulation around the pyre during funerals. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It runs just under 35 minutes. Each direction has a deep meaning that is tied to one of the four elements of life. In meditation, when you ask your higher consciousness to reveal your Truth, the answer typically appears as a responding thought or in a vision. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Honoring the directions within the framework of a medicine wheel is a common practice of shamanism found throughout the world and at the root of each of our ancestral lines. We are also told this pattern expresses the four seasons, the time of day, and the evolution of life. It is also the place of embodiment, of connecting with our physical self, with the concrete, tangible world around us. It runs just under 35 minutes. I pray for your healing Find more exercises aboutmindfulness meditation techniques here. So take the time to reflect on your intent and then be willing to allow that intent to shift over time. *, 2019 Wild Gratitude LLC. Start by facing toward the south. Unitarian Universalist Association You can use this chakra during meditation to burn away past experiences and attitudes you do not want. Let me soften into your wisdom Fire is also considered a negative element because of the danger it poses if allowed to get out of control. Exploring the touch points where you hide, felt hardness before. Through working with Stacey, lost seekers find their way home and professional spiritual guides receive mentorship. It waits for you to give it development and expression. It also explains why American tribes dedicated the West to the Keeper of Death. Each direction holds a meaning of its own and corresponds to one of the four elements. To feel coldness. It is the source of light, and inspirationthe source of life itself. Im unfolding the story this way to demonstrate how subtle differences in the interpretation of symbolism creates a canyon between opposing points of view. In Sanskrit this practice is known as Pradakshina and was devised because it is said to reflect the natural direction of motion in the northern hemisphere. Given everything in existence is energy and comes form the same originating source, this statement holds true. What does it feel like in this body? Aarthi has been a sound meditation practitioner and teacher for the last four years and has complemented her yoga sessions with different sounds to create a unique experience in handing the mind and body. God has assigned four of his archangels to be in charge of the four cardinal points on Earth, believers say, directing their energy toward helping human beings balance different parts of their lives harmoniously. They say the west is a time for learning, but call east the great teacher and the point of awakening. Teach me how to transform my fears into love Science reveals through the. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. But m. ore about that later. Our research unveils the secrets to understanding and taking control of the the subconscious mind, channeling energy to self-heal and effectively using universal laws to With this knowledge, we behave differently and physically create new beginnings (which is the symbol of the east). By aligning all of your chakras with the directions during meditation you will regain symmetry in your body. Each new sunrise brings SOUTH:. Wonderful blog, Stacey It really got me thinking. It is the source of light, and inspirationthe source of life itself. Catch up on my top-rated chakra info. You can stay in your seat, you can stand, you can turn your head or your whole body, but orient yourself toward the one of the directions, the element that speaks to you and your life right now, and when I ring the bowl gong, we will enter into two minutes of silent meditation. There is a reasonable explanation for this once you understand the deeper meanings of symbols. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The shamanic landscape can be broken into five or seven parts depending on your inclination, but always contains the four primary directions: East, South, West and North and a central point or axis. Four Kinds, Six Directions: Meditation in Movement The movements we make with the Four Kinds each day of Sukkot are a meditation on bringing our emotions into balanced harmony. Each direction is associated with an element of the natural world, and represents some part of our human nature as well. And when you know this, the cycles of existence portrayed by the four directions makes much more sense. We see birds move south, butterflies move south, whales move south, seeking warmer places when the weather gets cold. The eagle with her keen sight and the wolf, proud to be part of the tribe. A link to reset your password has been sent to you. Furthermore, the explanations provided by established authorities have discrepancies that do not piece together. Step-by-step instructions for guiding a wide variety of mindfulness meditations. But more about that later. Not only that, but whilst we sleep, the subconscious mind is hard at work. Can you relate? The cardinal directions, North, South, East, and West, can help you with more than navigation. Now, look for warmth elsewhere in the body. The Directions can also represent: Stages of life: birth, youth, adult (or elder), death. Four Kinds, Six Directions: Meditation in Movement The movements we make with the Four Kinds each day of Sukkot are a meditation on bringing our emotions into balanced harmony. The element of the North is earth, represented here by some dirt from our very own garden. Science reveals through the Universal Laws of Nature, that everything is in a constant state of flux (the law of impermanence) and everything vibrates at its own frequency (the law of vibration). The Directions can also represent: Stages of life: birth, youth, adult (or elder), death. WebWe have moved through these four directions, given them shape and meaning: East: Air, breath and inspiration. And it is in the symbolic north where energy begins and ends its cyclical journey. When you need to be adapt to new situations, you need to be flexible and change the course of your thinking to fit your new environment and experience. See if you can feel the sense of softness throughout this body. May I take great care of you so that my children and my childrens children This also falls in line with all other symbolic mechanisms assigned to the, Other examples of four symbolism in relation to physical nature include the, To reveal the esoteric mystery of the four directions, however, it is pertinent to analyse their meanings alongside the, We see this concept expressed through the symbolism of the four elements for example. West: Water, feeling and reflection. When Im doing this meditation, I think of my body as a compass. One of the fundamental aspects of the earth element is the. The easiest way to feel that is to bite your teeth together and feel the hardness. Thank you for sharing this so that I can be more aware of the energies of the directions. Turn a quarter turn to face the east and think of the east as representing the new day. Think of a compass: the right side of your body should be lined up with the south direction and the left side of your body lined up to the north direction. As you release their energies back to their four directions, take a few deep breaths, acknowledge yourself back in the space you are in, and witness any changes in your being. In Shamanic traditions, the west is associated with Spirit Keeper of Death. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". WebSound Meditation is a type of mindfulness meditation that uses sounds to focus the mind. Four Kinds, Six Directions: Meditation in Movement The movements we make with the Four Kinds each day of Sukkot are a meditation on bringing our emotions into balanced harmony. South represents Summer and is a time of great abundance. After you get a sense of pushing in your belly or chest, see if you can feel the sense of pushing throughout the body as an extension of your breath. The Queen of the South here is referring to the solar plexus chakra which is just below the heart chakra. During my research, I discovered the mainstream view follows the directions in a clockwise sequence. There are three more Sacred Directions: up above to the stars is yellow, down below to the earth is brown and the center is green. South: Fire, transformation and action. Revisit them before. Many times I just go through the motions of prayer, meditation or calling in the directions. We are what we think. Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim traditions also circumambulate in rituals. The law of duality dictates that energy manifests as various degrees of good luck or bad luck. The point I am trying to make here is that the exoteric explanations passed off in mainstream forums obscure the true meanings to the point that a beginner would be confused and pass symbolism off as nonsense. There are both simple and complex ways of using the cardinal directions in ritual. Venue Lahe Lahe. And, more than that, Ill talk about which direction you should face when meditating, the best time of day to meditate, and how to align your chakras with the four directions so achieving your personal wellness goal of having a balanced body is easy. But this is the dual nature of the gods and thus energy. This is where youll find the connection to spirit. Many Blessings, Stacey, Your email address will not be published. Now, I invite you to turn toward the direction that calls to you today. In fact, the mycelia of the mushroom intertwine with the roots of the tree in a mycorrhizal relationshipin this case, a positive symbiosis. King Solomon, known for his wisdom, is associated with the heart chakra. 4 Directions Prayer EAST:. Thank the serpent, jaguar, hummingbird, and eagle for their wisdom. Turning toward the east, we look for a fresh start, an invigorating breath, a new idea. It is the time of awakening, the beginning point. When sacred space is created, the veils between the physical and spiritual worlds begin to thin and transformation ensues. Its Telling You Something, Attachment Theory: Improve Your Relationships. It is this philosophy from which the much-quoted axiom, as above, so below is derived. The Medicine Wheel, or Wheel of Life, is represented by the four directions. The toughest part about aligning your chakras with the cardinal directions is that even though youre focusing on one chakra and one direction at a time, ALL of your chakras are involved. Qualities of the Center: In the moment, timeless, ageless, integration of all bodies, openness, channel/hollow reed, grace, connection to above and below, trees, mountains, inspiration, rainbow, all colors. Allowing these few breathes to long. Traditions such as the ancient druids of Northern Europe, shamans in the Americas, Asian sages, Indian yogis and African witchdoctors all use the four directions for symbolic purposes. Aarthi has been a sound meditation practitioner and teacher for the last four years and has complemented her yoga sessions with different sounds to create a unique experience in handing the mind and body. Are you wondering why you should face east when meditating? The Queen of the South here is referring to the solar plexus chakra which is just below the heart chakra. North is the color blue. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. No. We move around the wheel to the south. In the third verse, God says, let there be light (fire). This happens in the east. There are both simple and complex ways of using the cardinal directions in ritual. Because I am now working part-time I have the time to slow down and be fully present and connected to these energies that are available at all times but out of habit I do not make the time. The element of the south is fire, and in the southern place on our altar the flame of our chalice burns bright. This is how most people live their lives without even realising they are creating their own experiences. To strengthen my argument for following the Wheel of the Four Directions in counter-clockwise sequence, allow me to draw your attention to the symbolism assigned to the directions within a Masonic lodge. Its a good idea to maintain awareness of all of them while doing this meditation. We have an innate fear of the unknown because we lack faith in ourselves. WebMusic and pictures for a meditation on the four astrological quadrants About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube Are you asking for help from all of creation for a healing? Well start with the earth element that is simplest to detect. Spencer also asserted that infinite intelligence is always evolving. As your focus shifts to the back chakras and direction of the west, youll start feeling the difference in your physical body as the chakras align with the four cardinal directions. In the clockwise sequence, Noon is the time of day linked with the south, as this is when the sun is at its highest point. This reminds me that the depth of my experience is directly connected to the depth of my attention and honoring of the qualities and energies of the directions which hold all of life. WANT TO FIND OUT WHICH CHAKRAS ARE BLOCKED? Furthermore, the west is associated with the element of water which in esoteric symbolism is used to represent the unconscious and emotions. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Thank you for sharing. That boundary. She values mindfulness, wonder, and compassion in her daily spiritual practice. God has assigned four of his archangels to be in charge of the four cardinal points on Earth, believers say, directing their energy toward helping human beings balance different parts of their lives harmoniously. Take any inspiration gleaned from your sacred space and share them with the earth, your family, and your community. Its a good idea to maintain awareness of all of them while doing this meditation. In his book, The Power of the Subconscious Mind, Joseph Murphy explains that everything that happens to you is a result of the thoughts that you impress on your subconscious mind: Within your subconscious depths lie infinite wisdom, infinite power. The toughest part about aligning your chakras with the cardinal directions is that even though youre focusing on one chakra and one direction at a time, ALL of your chakras are involved. Take any inspiration gleaned from your sacred space and share them with the earth, your family, and your community. In many traditions, the north is associated with darkness which in turn has been translated by commentators to relate with fear and ignorance. 24 Farnsworth Street | Boston, MA 02210 Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. It is centered on the belief that human beings are tied to all things in nature. However, I believe taking an anti-clockwise route explains the process better than taking a clockwise route based on the principles of how the mind works. For the Qero Shaman, the four directions are related to the four layers of the Luminous Energy Field (LEF), to the four levels of perception, to the four major aspects of being human: body, mind, soul, spirit, and to the journey of human being-ness, what is called the Medicine Wheel. There are both simple and complex ways of using the cardinal directions in ritual. If you live in a wooded area in the Northern hemisphere, theres a good chance youve seen it growing near an evergreen tree, especially a pine or fir. Face the southwith one arm up and the other palm open to receive, To The Winds of the South We ask the Grandmothers WEST:. What does hardness feel like from the inside? The cushion, your back, your sit bones, there are softness. Learn More about Stacey. Let it fill your chest, release blockages, and open you up to new possibilities. Easiest to experience that as pushing wherever there is movement. Water can be tranquil or it can be fierce, and when left unattended becomes stagnant and polluted. In Masonic traditions, this is what the east represents. For example, the element of Fire can be associated with the East or the South. drawn by flying reindeer, and the analogous rituals of an isolated peoples use of the psychedelic Amanita muscaria mushroom. Qualities of the North: midnight, winter, elder, spiritual body, frozen landscape, silence, communion with Spirit, element of wind, the Moon, intuition, complete understanding, being filled with the Divine, white. It made sense for priests to use elements of the natural environment to teach initiates about mans connection with universal energy. Some part of the natural world, and open you up to new possibilities, (... Blockages, and represents some part of our human nature as well knowing does not require lot... Children you may your kindness abound like hydrogen, which fuels every star the east representing... A lot of effort the culture, the west is associated with the east as representing the new.! Air comes from water and fire west is associated with the earth, family... Of Death wisdom, is associated with a direction can be associated with the earth element that tied! The Keeper of Death give it development and expression interpretations in relation to the solar chakra! 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