who is behind 119 ministries

It seemed to me that everything I was taught was biased. Having an open mind doesnt mean having a hole in my head so that my brain can leak out. 1 law (Torah/instruction). There are different laws mentioned throughout scripture and taken out of context in many verses. Usually when the topic turns from general feel good Christianity today to the specifics found in Gods word, like observing the Sabbath of the Lord & the Feasts of The Lord, you will most likely get the usual the OT law has been done away with and we are not under the law but grace but many also follow this up with besides its impossible to obey the law, no one can obey it!. The issue people make of the writings of Paul is it becomes loosely interpreted as any kind of flesh you choose to eat. He is the WORD (He is the epitome of the image of His Father, just like we are to be) The Greeks used HE, The ruach hakodesh is the spirit of Yahuah, not a person. If you had the spirit of the father you would have works that follow your faith, as both James and John wrote in their letters. Read the early church fathers, read the didache. I thought the law was done away with and all food was clean and the law was nailed to the cross and blah, blah, blah! The tragic part is, 119 HAS scriptural truth but their TONE often creates a very negative feeling and makes people defensive. At the time of Jacob there was no Torah. They have connected in places like Facebook and other online discussion groups. (LogOut/ If you arent a Jew, then you were considered a Gentile. That also ties in with james ..faith with out works is dead . The qualifications for Messiah are found in the first Testament btw. His death was what now allows me to live. Its a very thorough examination of Scripture, context and translation. Yahweh is who He has always been and He loves obedience and hates when we deviate from loving and obeying Him according to His commands. Horrible analogy. Knowledge puffs up and when learning takes a path of that flat out condems others, then it vain point is missed need to back up and rethink life and everything. 5:20 unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of heaven. The common Jews who heard this must have thought this is impossible to do. Thus the need for a Savior, Lord, King and High Priest for sin shall not be master over us for we are not under Torah but born again into the new covenant of grace in Christ. 11 (10) You are to stone him to death; because he has tried to draw you away from ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of a life of slavery. What?!?!?!?! I listen to everything Tovia puts out including his weekly interviews, I follow him so I can hear his viewpoints. In the Days of Noah, the NEPHILIM(giants) wreaked havoc and were destroyed by the flood. But so did Adam and Eve. After 29 years of being a Christian, and reading the Bible with these preconceived notions taught by the Christian Church, namely, that the Law has been done away with since the resurrection, the Holy Spirit took the veil off my eyes one day during private study. Well said Leah. Anyone remember Jim Jones or other false teachers that fleeced the flock recently? (oh, oh, I must be a 7th day Adventist! NO, I am a humble servant and Sister to Yahusha, the daughter of Yahuah. In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught (that Christianity misses) so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself! 4 They sit among the graves and spend the night in caverns; they eat pig meat and their pots hold soup made from disgusting things. Are in Jesus Christ Himself, for of HIS FULNESS I have received; GRACE UPON GRACE!!! I havent watched any of their videos in a while. There was a purpose for the new covenant because many people before were attempting to keep the law without the spirit. Notice how the reference is to God being a husband to them? Did I miss that video? I had never heard of any such thing as a Hebrew Roots movement at the time. Apparently, many Christians have not completely comprehended the gravity of violating the Torah commandments that can still be followed, even in the absence of the Temple in Jerusalem and the Sanhedrin (the one truly led by the Holy Spirit). 2 He was with God in the beginning. I understand the frustration of truth seekers with what constitutes modern Christianity and their desire to return to our roots . If a Muslims or a Hindus life improves, should we all praise Allah or Krishna? Remember what God said in Jeremiah 31:33? When Moses gave this New Covenant Deut 29/30 he prophesied this would happen again (another New Covenant) made with Israel after they will be broken into two Houses (House of Judah and House of Israel). I would say to some of the people writing here like the pastor trying to fix a person for following the way the Father has laid out i.e. Because it would be quickly discerned to be a blatant lie! Have you not read that a man can cancel his womans vow, but no such corollary exists? 19 So you will say, Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in. 20 True, but so what? Yes Im sure it is. Brandon assured him that stoning as commanded by the Law can only take place under the existence of the Temple and corresponding judicial system. There is no place in civil court for Gods people. Please read the word, understand before you spread confusion and bitterness. He is after all the Creator of the Universe who deserves the utmost reverence. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [a]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. He also said if you love me keep my commandments. And therefore the Great Commission also says to follow the Torah. Also something to consider, the Roman Catholic Church has openly stated that they changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday. (easily proven by googling a list of second temple era priests after Johnathan.) Because the practice for millenia (before the modern day and still in some parts of the middle east) was that the contractual commitment was made at the betrothal stage and only formalized by wedding banquet; a writ of divorce was needed to break a betrothal, not just after a marriage was consummated.). Certainly, Abraham followed certain laws / instructions given by his fathers. I am enjoying your comments & thoughts. Not to sound like Judas but couldnt truly that money have gone to the poor ? 21 For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly wont spare you! According to your faulty logic, Yeshua the Messiah went through all of that agony on the cross so that you would have the freedom to poison yourself. One of the most misunderstood ideas about the Hebrew Roots movement is the lack of love. Prayerfully study and be willing to change (accept the truth when it is starring you down). I believe that YHWH doesnt make mistakes and there is absolutely no flaw in the modern method. Nowhere did Jesus even hint that He was abolishing Gods Instructions (Does God make mistakes like purposely giving us a something wed fail at)? Truth has always been in opposition to manmade doctrines, opinions, and mainly pride. The truth is they are His ways I just walk in them. Your Torah study should easily inform your understanding. ( its very nice!!!) If you hate any man you have not the love of the father and therefore have not the love of the messiah. Together we can strengthen one another in love and so help build and protect the bride of Christ, His church. Notice that Peter did NOT say I now realize how true it is that God has now abolished his own laws for his people and we may now eat the flesh of any animal, including the pig that the pagans regularly offer to their false gods.. WebThe parable of the ten virgins is a passionate subject with those who desire to study Biblical end times. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. My biggest issue is the very condemning nature of most of their material and the fact that they believe only they have all the answers. As for food stuffsI entirely disagree with your the on the scriptures. Are you saying Moses did not believe the Gospel that he preached in the wilderness? As it relates to our credibility, we readily admit that we have none. The Catholic Church changed His laws and His statutes. I have seen Nehemiah Gordon make that argument, and to the best of my recall, I do not remember seeing you acknowledge Gordon. WebKingdom Pioneer Missions Incorporated is a tax exempt organization located in Norwood, New Jersey. You dont have to agree that the other sheep are Gentiles, but if hes talking about Israel as his sheep, it is at the very least reasonable to conclude his other sheep are non-Israel. Ive also seen families break apart when people whove been hard-line democrats switch to being republicans (and vice versa) because theres such a long history of it in their families they are treated like traitors when they change because they got a mind of their own. 1,801 talking about this. This revelation is crucial for a relationship with our Messiah, good and great Chief Shepard. Dear Leah, I am a Pastor and have been almost 30 years and I have a couple of friends who have gotten involved in Sabbath worship and this movement of 119 ministries. If that is your desire, so be it! Christ will have preeminence in all things (Col). -John 10:16 I do not know nor can I know what it has cost you to follow the Lamb of God but it has cost me more than you could know . It is a blessing and joy to encounter Gods Word with deeper thought and earnest deliberation. We are all defending what we believe to be truth *as we understand it* and to suggest that any one person or entity has it 110% correct is fallacy. With that said , I am sure some believers do celebrate in their heart and it is acceptable to God but I am grieved that Christianity has become such a big business . ( works of love demonstrations of love ..Jesus said he did not come of His own volition but God sent him ..God took action ..He did something because He cared but oh did it have a cost ! Then there are celebrations that are 100% completely Jewish in origin and have nothing to do with appointments of God, however, this does not mean we cannot find God in them. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. We can safely assume & see where God taught Adam & Eve and it was passed down thru the family, to those who followed God to Abraham and beyond. In closing, the God of my ancestors Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, told the Prophet Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) in chapter 31, verses 31 through 34 the following: 31 Here, the days are coming, says ADONAI, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Yhudah. But I must say, I read Scripture and it doesnt say what you say it says. It means Jesus FULFILLED the Law just like a husband and wife go about FULFILLING their marriage vows after theyve made their Covenant with each other. (3) But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds will be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ. but be careful of the knowledge which puffs up our enemy is fine with knowledge , particularly if it makes you think you are special ..Christ is special we are redeemed . In a world with over 33,000 Christian denominations arguments over doctrine, as seen here, are common. It is hard for me not to begin exploring when I see that the only scripture NT writers had to reference was the OT. Jesus LOVES you VERY VERY much for God so loved the world .. And she desperately responds yes, but even the dogs get the crumbs that fall. It seems you and I agree on many issues as we discuss the core of our belief in the saving works of Jesus Christ. The relationship between a parent and child is always the parents responsibility. But some are clearly closer than others. Once you have learned to obey the law of love, look into these other matters again with hearts willing to see truth and with prayer for wisdom from the Holy Spirit. I do not think anything bad of Tovia and I actually think he is correct on a lot of his teachings. The kind of detail that no atheist can claim is coincidental and also cant claim was stolen from the pagan traditions like Christmas and Easter. You will actually see Shauls letters become what they were always meant to be. Let me know if you have any questions. So the Messiah was telling his disciples to follow the law. Allah is the only deity I know of who changes his mind so frequently. But to call them Heretics as other do, and to lay claim to teaching another Gospel is strong accusations. Yahweh made it simple, fun, holy, and restful for a reason: it is all that and more! What most Christians dont understand is the fact that most of the laws in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are for the Levite priests! Isaiah 53! This causes conflicts with a lot of denominational doctrines that is being taught today. Well, Jesus, actually fulfilled many many many Biblical prophecies. I believe this interpretation to be correct and supported by the very subject of the scripture in question. In my 30s I became a Christian, thinking that it was a Greek word meaning a follower of the Messiah. Our earthly Messiah only spoke the words given Him by His heavenly Father. Do you want logical, scriptural truth? There are a few things I have questions too that they have published. 119 ministries sells stuff too so it seems hardly anyone is free from it it seems we just buy and sell . So lets get back to something to think on.. Its a journey to be shared. (Job 12:12), Rebuke not an elder, but intreat him as afather; and the younger men as brethren (1 Timothy 5:1). Therefore, the Law given on Mt. He backed Him up.. Peter ever stated that the letters of Paul were hard to understand and that many unlearned will twist it to their own destruction. Let me ask you this question. I have seen many people who call themselves believers and live like the world; they are not set apart by any means and they continue in sin = they trample on the grace of God for occasions of the flesh over & over again. It was added because of transgressions, having been ordained through angels by the agency of a mediator, until the seed would come to whom the promise had been made. Footnote: b Or speech. As an example, you said, I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Yet you later say, I follow Yahusha. (a.k.a. I choose the third option of translation. In an unbelievable twist, the teaching conveniently re-defines law (Greek word nomos) through meandering logic to mean the law of sin and death. Now I know how the prophets of Yah were treated. It is one of the same basic mistakes of Jehovah witness .we are saying His name right and everyone else is wrong ..His name actually means His authority People criticize Christians for worshipping on the Lords Day (Sunday), yet they honestly believe that worshipping on Saturday is honoring the original Sabbath (Shabbat)! I have a friend who has gotten wrapped up in this and very concerned of the teachings.She fully believes what these people and the ones in her home group are teaching her.How do I get through to her? If I am wrong, then show me. Admittedly, from the start, I sensed misleading (false?) virgins ten parable ministries -with Gods spirit in us now, written in our hearts, we are FREE from the law of sin and death!!!! Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning. Its utterly impossible, a complete waste of time and energy. Jeremiah teaches that under this new covenant God puts a fear of Him in our heart The concluding statement basically says we are under the law of God. Hmmmm.. YHWH is salvation / Messiah is salvation / YHWH=salvation=Jesus therefore Messiahs commands are Gods commands and vice versa. Cults have ways that they recruit people into their philosophy/ideology, making them members of such groups. Ive read many of the comments above, and no one seems to have the courage to call you out on the carpet for fear of legal reprisals. No but just like the married couple, we do our best to fulfill our vows to God even though we may falter and guess what, God made a way in the OT for when people failed and He made a way in the NT for when we fail that would be Christ. 5 Everything they do is done to be seen by others; for they make their tfillin (phylacteries) broad and their tzitziyot (fringes) long, 6 they love the place of honor at banquets and the best seats in the synagogues, 7 and they love being greeted deferentially in the marketplaces and being called Rabbi.. Nevertheless, I am comforted that God enjoys His ecclesia recognizing a weekly time of rest and worship. I am requesting that people STOP doing three things: 1) Please stop throwing around the word CULT for anything that is not traditional Christianity. But that doesnt mean we stop trying. Beginning in Genesis and culminating in Revelation, why do so many believers fail to see Yeshua is literally woven into every word of Scripture and that the Law and Prophets is the only Scripture Yeshua and the Apostles taught, preached, and practiced? 3. Please re read your New Testament with new eyes and and open, seeking heart. Tim is the author of this site (since 1999) and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood (Rev 6-8). In spite of there at times being sinful and selfish leadership within The Church, the magisterium (core teachings) have remained unchanged since the first century. 13, A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another. If you do not have the holy spirit you will NOT desire to keep Gods law or commandments. ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS DEPEND ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS. In other words ALL of the Law encompasses these two. I, like the Bible prophets of old, am serving the God of Israel, the God of my Hebrew ancestors, while many of you run the risk of being deceived into serving the god of the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church; a political organization which claims to have the power to add to and subtract from the Holy Scriptures, much like the scribes and the Pharisees of Yeshuas day with their Traditions of the Elders. He was attempting to get Gods first chosen people to THINK about their need for a Savior.The Torah was fulfilled when Jesus presented His new covenant blood in the heavenly sanctuary for eternal redemption Perhaps a study of what happened to the northern kingdom of Israel is in order to understand how profound this mixing is (hint: God divorced them for their spiritual adultery.) The point and this is the cutting point, most Christians today live a Sunday to Sunday life and cannot even follow the 10 commandments and then make excuse under the claim of grace for their lawlessness. Titus 3:9-11, Complete Jewish Bible (emphasis added). Haha Some say its lawful to do ABC and some say its not a law, but a tradition. Psalm 119 Ministries. All of Judaism and Christendom are historically patriarchal. That is also a synonym of love ..For God so loved He GAVE . , PLEASE, get out your Bible(s), a good concordance and Greek and Hebrew lexicons and you will see for yourself that the doctrines of man / traditions of men (the very thing Jesus chastised the one sect of Pharisees for doing in Mark 7 yes, there was more than one sect) the traditions are not Biblical teachings and yet so many participate in THOSE but then rail against the very teachings of Jesus Himself to keep Gods commands and that if you love him youll keep his commands (Jesus was God incarnate was he not? I hope it is received of this is why I believe I am correct. Since everyone is so passionate for the truth, then lets go right and dive to the WORD. (2Pe 3:16) as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these matters, in which some are hard to understand,c which those who are untaught and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do also the other Scriptures. Check Jeremiah for that answer. And when others around them get confused by them, I try to show them Scripture and pray that God will protect their minds & hearts from what is false. From all i read and hear from them it is borderline cult at the least heretical teaching. romans ministries profile New Testament with new eyes and and open, seeking heart their desire to return to our Roots loosely... His teachings 5:20 unless your righteousness surpasses the scribes who is behind 119 ministries Pharisees, you shall not enter the Kingdom of.! Are a few things I have questions too that they have connected in places like Facebook and other discussion! Since everyone is so passionate for the truth is they are his ways I just walk in them change. 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