Each grantee receiving an allocation under an Allocation Announcement Notice must make the following certifications with its action plan: a. county/parish level or lower if available for states, and neighborhood or census tract level for cities); and. Timely Distribution and Expenditure of Funds The American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) Governmental Audit Quality Center (GAQC) confirmed with OMB staff that the extension is available to all recipients in each of the states and not just those located in certain areas of the states most significantly impacted. real estate + content loss = $30,000$64,999, Without this waiver, disparities exist in relocation assistance associated with activities typically funded by HUD and FEMA ( Assistance is available if an applicant: (1) would have received it by acting in a reasonable manner, or in other words, by taking the same practical steps toward funding recovery as would disaster survivors faced with the same situation but not eligible to receive CDBGDR assistance; or (2) has received the assistance and has legal control over it. III.D.1.d. Also, each local government receiving assistance from a state grantee must follow a detailed citizen participation plan that satisfies the requirements of 24 CFR 570.486 (except as provided for in waivers and alternative requirements). The Secretary shall specify any such criteria and the resulting conditions in the grant conditions governing the award. HUD may extend the period of performance administratively, if good cause for such an extension exists at that time, as requested by the grantee, and approved by HUD. Read on for, Subscribe to our content or get in touch with us today. Entities are not currently able to pull the SCHER1 report or comply with requirements of reporting to NSLDS after June 30, 2022. In its policies and procedures, the grantee must establish a method to monitor each applicant's compliance with the agreement for a reasonable period after project completion ( FEMA is also required to verify you owned your home before providing Home Repair or Replacement Assistance. Section 312 also makes recipients of Federal disaster assistance liable for repayment of the amount of Federal disaster assistance that duplicates benefits available for the same purpose from another source (42 U.S.C. documents in the last year, 1476 The OMB extension posting encourages recipients in the less-affected areas to submit their reports as soon as possible. Start Printed Page 32075 Applicability Date: Property owners are given an opportunity to file an appeal with the Assessor's Office and at the Board of Review, both dates can be found below. It was viewed 64 times while on Public Inspection. Such persons' eligibility for relocation assistance and payments under the URA is not impacted by this waiver. elderly, frail elderly, persons with disabilities (mental, physical, developmental, etc. Based on these factors, HUD generally presumes that if a cost has been paid by another source, charging it to the Federal award violates the necessary and reasonable standard unless grant requirements permit reimbursement. HUD is adopting an alternative requirement to require grantees to adhere to the applicable construction standards and requirements in II.C.1., II.C.2. Grantees are reminded that they are responsible for providing on-going oversight and monitoring of subrecipients and are ultimately responsible for subrecipient compliance with all CDBGDR requirements. L. 11620) authorized special treatment for eligible administrative costs for grantees that received awards under Public Laws 114113, 114223, 114254, 11531, 11556, 115123, 115254, 11620, or any future act. 12706, 24 CFR 91.225(a)(5), and 24 CFR 91.325(a)(5)), because the effects of a major disaster alter a grantee's priorities for meeting housing, employment, and infrastructure needs. III.C.6.b FEMA works with the SBA to determine if you may qualify for Personal Property Assistance, Transportation Assistance, or a Group Flood Insurance Policy. of the Consolidated Notice, to the owner of a property that will be redeveloped if: (a.) Or FEMA will ask you to send documents to verify your expenses. the current document as it appeared on Public Inspection on II.A.2. V.B.2. Each grantee must make all certifications included in section III.F.7 of the Consolidated Notice and submit them to HUD when it submits its Public Action Plan in DRGR described in III.C.1. Grantees must verify whether FEMA or USACE funds are available prior to awarding CDBGDR funds to specific activities or beneficiaries. Mitigation needs assessment. HUD is temporarily waiving the requirement for consistency with the consolidated plan (requirements at 42 U.S.C. Each grantee must submit projected expenditures and outcomes with the action plan. This page contains a list of every township in Cook County along with the reassessment mailing dates and timeframe in which appeals may be filed. After HUD's approval of the action plan for program administrative costs, the grantee enters the activities from its approved action plan into the DRGR system if it has not previously done so and submits its DRGR action plan to HUD (funds can be drawn from the line of credit only for activities that are established in the DRGR system). If your insurance settlement is delayed more than 30 days from the time you file your claim, call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. III.B.2.c. This section only applies once a grantee has received a CDBGDR grant through an Allocation Announcement Notice that makes the Consolidated Notice applicable. Clarification of Disaster-Related Activities, II.B. Under this exception, several CDBG entitlement grantees may use uncapped income limits that reflect 80 percent of the actual median income for the area. This disaster was made eligible based on a concentration of damage in a zip code. e.g., To implement this authority, the following alternative requirement will replace the alternative requirement in the Consolidated Notice at III.C.1. III.F.5. notice published on June 2019, titled Updates to Duplication of Benefits Requirements Under the Stafford Act for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Disaster Recovery Grantees (84 FR 28836) (2019 DOB Notice), revised the DOB requirements that apply to CDBGDR grants for disasters declared between January 1, 2016, and December 31, 2021. [URA] shall be denied such eligibility as a result of his being unable, because of a major disaster as determined by the President, to meet the occupancy requirements set by [the URA]. Accordingly, homeowner occupants and tenants displaced from their homes as a result of the identified disasters and who would have otherwise been displaced as a direct result of any acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real property for a federally funded program or project may become eligible for a replacement housing payment notwithstanding their inability to meet occupancy requirements prescribed in the URA. physical inspections, credit card statements, work estimates, contractor invoices, flood inundation records, or receipts). 42 U.S.C. If the applicant's costs for the activity will be reimbursed by FEMA or USACE, the grantee cannot provide the CDBGDR assistance for those costs. Three considerations may change the maximum amount of the CDBGDR award. https://www.fcc.gov/consumers/guides/telecommunications-relay-service-trs. 5155(a)). Grantees must consider factors described at 2 CFR 200.404(a) through (e) when determining which types and amounts of cost items are necessary and reasonable. Insufficient documentation on DOB can lead to findings, which can be difficult to resolve if records are missing, inadequate, or inaccurate to demonstrate compliance with DOB requirements. housing, economic revitalization, and infrastructure) of greatest needs identified in the grantee's impact and unmet needs assessment or provide an acceptable justification for a disproportional allocation. Additionally, paragraph III.C.1.g of the Consolidated Notice requires grantees to provide a budget for the full amount of the allocation that is reasonably proportionate to its unmet needs (or provide an acceptable justification for disproportional allocation) and is consistent with the requirements to integrate hazard mitigation measures into all its programs and projects.. Consistent with the procedures described in the Consolidated Notice, HUD may adjust, reduce, or withdraw the CDBGDR grant (except funds that have been expended for eligible, approved activities) or take other actions as appropriate. When appropriations acts provide an additional allocation amount for mitigation of hazard risks that does not require a connection to the qualifying major disaster, requirements for the use of those funds will be included in the Allocation Announcement Notice. State grantees are also subject to 24 CFR 570.489(d), which requires that states shall have fiscal and administrative requirements to ensure that grant funds are used for reasonable and necessary costs of operating programs.. The personal property-based need categories for owner-occupied units are defined as follows: Alternative requirement for the elevation of structures when using CDBGDR funds as the non-Federal match in a FEMA-funded project. New housing construction waiver and alternative requirement.42 U.S.C. Alternatively, if a lender requires use of insurance for rehabilitation, or a disaster-affected homeowner chooses to apply insurance proceeds received for damage to the building to reduce an unpaid mortgage principal, these insurance proceeds are treated as a DOB and reduce the amount of CDBGDR Homeownership assistance waiver and alternative requirement.42 U.S.C. A Notice by the Housing and Urban Development Department on 05/18/2023. In addition, for both virtual or in-person hearings, the grantee shall provide reasonable notification and access for citizens in accordance with the grantee's certifications at III.F.7.g., timely responses to all citizen questions and issues, and public access to all questions and responses. Adequate procedures are those that meet the requirements that HUD established in this notice, in the Consolidated Notice, and as reflected in the related checklists that are available online. of the Consolidated Notice requires that all covered construction (new construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation) that is assisted with CDBGDR funds meet an industry-recognized standard that has achieved certain certifications described in the notice. The Consolidated Notice waives the requirements for submission of a performance report pursuant to 42 U.S.C. A grantee has proficient financial management controls if each of the following criteria is satisfied: (a) The grantee agency administering this grant submits its most recent single audit and consolidated annual financial report (CAFR), which in HUD's determination indicates that the grantee has no material weaknesses, deficiencies, or concerns that HUD considers to be relevant to the financial management of CDBG, CDBGDR, or CDBGMIT funds. CDBG displacement, relocation, acquisition, and replacement housing program regulationsOptional relocation assistance. However, this determination may depend on what sources of assistance were last received by the applicant. The regulations for applicable CDBG program requirements are at 24 CFR 570.488 and 24 CFR 570.606. Grantees that received funds for disasters occurring in 2022 must follow the requirements located in section IV.A. The grantee must determine that the costs of the activity to assist a utility are necessary and reasonable and that they do not duplicate other financial assistance. Browse the library of grantee reports and plans, organized by program. For homeowners inside the one percent risk flood hazard area, homeowners without flood insurance with flood damage below the greater of national median or 120 percent of Area Median Income are determined to have unmet needs. for economic development activities, data about job loss or businesses closing after the disaster or data showing how pre-disaster economic stressors were aggravated by the disaster; or for housing activities, a post-disaster housing analysis that describes the activities that are necessary to address the post-disaster housing needs. amendment shall require a 30-day public comment period. In making this determination, HUD will consider the nature and extent of the recipient's performance deficiencies, the actions taken by the recipient to address the deficiencies, and the success or likely success of such actions. storm water management systems) or other disaster-related community-based mitigation systems ( HCAs that do not transmit their Form HUD-9902 report by the due date may jeopardize their agencys status as a HUD-approved housing counseling agency. As an alternative requirement, grantees must include any pre-agreement activities in their action plans, including any costs of eligible activities that were funded with short-term loans ( If additional need is not demonstrated, CDBGDR funds shall be recaptured to the extent they are in excess of the remaining need and duplicate other assistance received by the applicant for the same purpose. 5306(d)(2)(C)(iv), 42 U.S.C. Grantees must maintain records that document how each funded activity addresses a direct or indirect impact from the disaster. Buyout activities. Wordfence is a security plugin installed on over 4 million WordPress sites. Thus, the total of all costs classified as administrative for a CDBGDR grant must be less than or equal to the five percent cap (plus five percent of program income generated by the grant). Grantees may be subject to additional DOB requirements described in a separate notice. HUD-approved HCAs are reminded of their responsibility to transmit accurate and timely Form HUD-9902 quarterly reports. Buyout requirements: (i) Property to be acquired or accepted must be located within a floodway, floodplain, or Disaster Risk Reduction Area. 5304), section 106(c)(1) and (d) of the HCDA (42 U.S.C. The CDBGDR RARAP must include a description of how the grantee will plan programs or projects in such a manner that recognizes the substantial challenges experienced by displaced individuals, families, businesses, farms, and nonprofit organizations and develop solutions to minimize displacement or the adverse impacts of displacement especially among vulnerable populations. Cancelled loans are loans (or portions of loans) that were initially accepted, but for a variety of reasons, all or a portion of the loan amount was not disbursed and is no longer available to the applicant. e.g., This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the Total assistance does not include personal assets such as money in a checking or savings account (excluding insurance proceeds or disaster assistance deposited into the applicant's account); retirement accounts; credit cards and lines of credit; in-kind donations (although these non-cash contributions known to the grantee reduce total need); and private loans. Resilience and hazard mitigation. For this notice, a private loan is a loan that is not provided by or guaranteed by a governmental entity, and that requires the CDBGDR applicant (the borrower) to repay the full amount of the loan (principal and interest) under typical commercial lending terms, II.B.2.b. 6303-N-01 CDBG DR and Implementation Consolidated Waivers and Notice Signed II.A. (b) A local government grantee has proficient procurement processes if the processes are consistent with the specific applicable procurement standards identified in 2 CFR 200.318 through 200.327. However, 44 CFR 9.11(d)(3)(iii) allows for an alternative to elevation to the 100- or 500-year flood level, subject to FEMA approval, which would provide for improvements that would ensure the substantial impermeability of the structure below flood level. The Public Inspection page 5306(d)(5) and (6) are waived and replaced with the alternative requirement that the aggregate total for administrative and technical assistance expenditures must not exceed five percent of the grant, plus five percent of program income generated by the grant. CDBGDR grantees must also comply with the recordkeeping requirements of 24 CFR 570.506 and 24 CFR 570.490(b), as amended by the Consolidated Notice. The action plan (and subsequent amendments) must include a single chart or table that illustrates, at the most practical level, how all funds are budgeted ( Grantees are not required to hold any public hearings on the proposed action plan or substantial amendment for program administrative costs. HUD is instituting an alternative requirement to the rehabilitation provisions at 42 U.S.C. CDBGDR funds used directly by state and local governments for public facilities and improvements, or other purposes are also subject to the DOB requirements of the Stafford Act. HUD waives the provisions at 24 CFR 570.494 and 24 CFR 570.902 regarding timely distribution and expenditure of funds and establishes an alternative requirement providing that each grantee must expend 100 percent of its allocation within six years of the date HUD signs the grant agreement. Responsibility to inform property owners to obtain and maintain flood insurance. The grantee shall describe how the method of distribution to local governments or Indian tribes, or programs/projects carried out directly, will result in long-term recovery from specific impacts of the disaster. If a CDBGDR grantee is awarded a subsequent CDBGDR grant, and it has been more than three years since the executed grant agreement for the original CDBGDR grant or a subsequent grant is equal to or greater than ten times the amount of the original CDBGDR grant, grantees must update and resubmit the documentation required by paragraph III.A.1.a. of the Consolidated Notice discusses these exceptions and related requirements for the treatment of subsidized loans in a duplication of benefits analysis. At a minimum, the topic of disaster recovery on the grantee's website must be navigable by all interested parties from the grantee homepage and must link to the disaster recovery website required by section III.D.1.e. The exception criteria applies to CDBGDR funded activities in jurisdictions covered by such criteria, including jurisdictions that receive disaster recovery funds from a state. A buyout program that merely pays homeowners to leave their existing homes does not guarantee that those homeowners will occupy a new residential structure. Requirements Related to Administrative Funds, IV. For example, it may be reasonable for an applicant to elect to receive an immediate lump sum insurance settlement based on estimated cost of rehabilitation instead of waiting for a longer period of time for the insurance company to calculate reimbursement based on actual replacement costs, even if the reimbursement based on actual costs would exceed the lump sum insurance settlement. The grantee certifies that it has in effect and is following a residential anti-displacement and relocation assistance plan (RARAP) in connection with any activity assisted with CDBGDR grant funds that fulfills the requirements of section 104(d), 24 CFR part 42, and 24 CFR part 570, as amended by waivers and alternative requirements. Grantees are reminded that all uses of funds for program administrative activities must qualify as an eligible administration cost. The grantee's procedures must address how the grantee will make CDBGDR beneficiaries The Appropriations Acts make the funds available for obligation by HUD until expended. e.g., If you receive a letter stating that you are ineligible for assistance or that your application is incomplete, you can still complete the application or appeal the decision within 60 days of receiving a decision letter. For both virtual and in person hearings, grantees must update their citizen participation plans to provide that hearings be held at times and locations convenient to potential and actual beneficiaries, with accommodation for persons with disabilities and appropriate auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication, and specify how they will meet these requirements. buyouts and relocation). 5301 If the grantee determines the post-disaster value of a property is higher than the pre-disaster value, a grantee may provide exceptions to its established valuation method on a case-by-case basis. III.B.2.e. The Cost Principles are made applicable to states by 24 CFR 570.489(p) and to local governments through 24 CFR 570.502. For CDBGDR grants, HUD allows state grantees to carry out activities directly and to distribute funds to subrecipients. However, this waiver does not permit a compensation program meaning that funds may not be provided to a beneficiary to compensate the beneficiary for an estimated or actual amount of loss from the declared disaster. CDBGDR grantees must certify that they have in effect and are following a RARAP as required by section 104(d)(1) and (2) of the HCDA and 24 CFR 42.325. If interim housing is not an allowable use, the amount of the FEMA housing rehabilitation assistance used for interim housing is considered a DOB. For example, HUD requires program-specific audits of for-profit participants (e.g., multifamily housing entities, lenders, etc.) The Appropriations Acts authorize the Secretary to waive or specify alternative requirements for any provision of any statute or regulation that the Secretary administers in connection with the obligation by the Secretary, or use by the recipient, of these funds, except for requirements related to fair housing, nondiscrimination, labor standards, and the environment. In addition to the other requirements in this section, the grantee must comply with applicable state, local, and tribal codes and standards for floodplain management, including elevation, setbacks, and cumulative substantial damage requirements. Action Plan for Disaster Recovery Waiver and Alternative Requirement, III.D. Additional guidance is expected from ED regarding auditing of this information in accordance with the OMB Compliance Supplement. These types of costs to modify partially completed rehabilitation that the grantee determines are necessary to comply with the requirements of CDBGDR assistance do not duplicate other assistance used for the partial rehabilitation. (3) Duplication of benefits. Pursuant to this alternative requirement, grantees that use the urgent need national objective must: (1) describe in the impact and unmet needs assessment why specific needs have a particular urgency, including how the existing conditions pose a serious and immediate threat to the health or welfare of the community; (2) identify each program or activity in the action plan that will use the urgent need national objectiveeither through its initial action plan submission or through a substantial amendment submitted by the grantee within 36 months of the applicability date of the grantee's Allocation Announcement Notice; and (3) document how each program and/or activity funded under the urgent need national objective in the action plan responds to the urgency, type, scale, and location of the disaster-related impact as described in the grantee's impact and unmet needs assessment. When the period of performance has ended, HUD will close out the grant and any remaining funds not expended by the grantee on appropriate programmatic purposes will be recaptured by HUD. This audit guide is divided into chapters. Per 24 CFR 58.4(b)(1), when a state carries out activities directly (including through subrecipients that are not units of general local government), the state must submit the Certification and Request for Release of Funds to HUD for approval. If the duplicative assistance is received after CDBGDR, the grantee must collect the DOB or contact HUD if it has questions about whether another Federal agency is responsible for collecting the duplication. An adequate plan must also demonstrate that the internal auditor and responsible audit staff report independently to the chief elected or executive officer or board of the governing body of any designated administering entity. HUD updated its building standards to support the adoption and enforcement of modern and resilient codes for grants subject to the CDBGDR assistance may only pay for eligible activities to address unmet needs. Any assistance provided for a different purpose than the CDBGDR eligible activity, or a general, non-specific purpose ( Start Printed Page 32069 Start Printed Page 32074. The grantee must review and modify any financial management policies and procedures regarding the tracking and accounting of administration costs as necessary. Short-term subsidized loans for costs later reimbursed with CDBGDR. Due no later than April 30th, 2022* Section 414 of the Stafford Act and its implementing regulation at 49 CFR 24.403(d)(1) are waived to the extent that they would apply to real property acquisition, rehabilitation, or demolition of real property for a CDBGDR funded project commencing more than one year after the date of the latest applicable Presidentially declared disaster undertaken by the grantees, or subrecipients, provided that the project was not planned, approved, or otherwise underway before the disaster. Underserved communities that were economically distressed before the disaster include, but are not limited to, those areas that were designated as a Promise Zone, Opportunity Zone, a Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area, a tribal area, or those areas that meet at least one of the distress criteria established for the designation of an investment area of Community Development Financial Institution at 12 CFR 1805.201(b)(3)(ii)(D). In addition, 24 CFR 570.483(b)(3), 24 CFR 570.208(a)(3), and 24 CFR 1003.208(c) apply the LMH national objective to an eligible activity carried out for the purpose of providing or improving permanent residential structures that, upon completion, will be occupied by LMI households. e.g., L. 115254), which sunsets on October 5, 2023. 12131 In addition, 42 U.S.C. The calculation of serious unmet housing needs is described below. This data is included in reports to Congress that help substantiate HUD's annual request for Housing Counseling grant funds. DR 4673FL. flood insurance. Daniel Dennis & Company is a certified public accounting firm that provides audit, accounting, tax, and consulting services to real estate and affordable housing development organizations, charter schools, and nonprofit organizations all over New England, including Boston and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (CTCAC) administers the federal and state Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Programs. The applicable Allocation Announcement Notice will describe any additional requirements, as applicable. 287, 1001, and 31 U.S.C. 2, 287, 1001 and 31 U.S.C. The action plan must also describe: (2) All criteria used to select applications (including any priorities), including the relative importance of each criterion, and any eligibility requirements. Housing counseling agencies (HCAs) have until August 31, 2022, to revise their Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 9902 data. The affordability restrictions, including the affordability period requirements in this paragraph do not apply to housing units newly constructed or reconstructed for an owner-occupant to replace the owner-occupant's home that was damaged by the disaster. of the Consolidated Notice applies. Elevation of nonresidential structure. e.g., tied to the voluntary acquisition of housing (including buyouts) owned by a qualifying LMI household and made to induce a move outside of the affected floodplain or disaster risk reduction area to a lower-risk area or structure; or (b.) Subsidized loans may also be available from other sources. $1,000 to $1,999 of FEMA inspected personal property damage or determination of Moderate damage by the FEMA inspector. Fema inspector administration cost or determination of Moderate damage by the housing and Urban Development Department on.! Comply with requirements of reporting to NSLDS after June 30, 2022 expected from regarding! 5304 ), which sunsets on October 5, 2023 or get in touch with us.... That makes the Consolidated Notice waives hud audit filing deadline 2022 requirements for the treatment of subsidized loans for costs later reimbursed CDBGDR... 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