I took the kitten, put him in my apron pocket, and asked to go home early. (Cheers.) [T]hat shapeless, formless, fibreless mass of platitudes which in official cant is called "unsectarian religion". It is the place where a new revolutionary spirit finds its instruments and collects its arms. You see at once what destruction there is of capital, of industry, of all those solid material advantages which your counsellors would induce you to believe are the one thing for human beings to regard. He certainly agrees with your Majesty in thinking that the [Irish] Nationalists cannot be trusted: and that any bargain with them would be full of danger. 1. Some persons, I know, entertain a notion that the proper way to educate a young man of 18 is to put before him all the arguments and systems of belief which ever have been or can be devised, and let him take his choice; but I am quite convinced that no such notion will ever commend itself to the general mass of parents in this country. My belief is that the main strength of the Tory party, both in the richer and poorer classes, lies in its association with the honour of the country. But if you allow the play of parties to bring about imprudent concessions, if you allow the mere impotence of a divided English opinion to permit the establishment of an independence or a quasi independence in Ireland, the days of England's great pre-eminence among the nations of the earth are numbered. There is now before us one great issue by which all others are overshadowed. Speech to the inaugural dinner of the National Conservative Club in Willis's Rooms (5 March 1887), quoted in. I would impress upon you that if you intend, in this conflict of commercial treaties, to hold your own, you must be prepared, if need be, to inflict upon the nations which injure you the penalty which is in your hands, that of refusing them access to your markets. He has little foreign or eastern knowledge, and little craft; he is rough of tongue in public debate, but a great gentleman in private society; he is very remarkably clever, of unsure judgment, but is above anything mean; has no Disraelite prejudices; keeps a conscience, and has plenty of manhood and character. A generation which knew. They have changed masters so often that there is nothing humiliating to them in having gained a new one. It yields to none, it is perhaps superior to all in its greatness, in its extent, in the vastness of its population, in the magnificence of its wealth. WebWhat is the origin of the phrase "Never trust a Cecil!"? (Cheers.). Letter to Lord Selborne after J.P. Morgan acquired a predominating influence in Cunard, White Star and other shipping lines (13 March 1902), quoted in Andrew Roberts. During the fourteen years that he was the undisputed ruler of England and her Empire, he must have been one of the most powerful men in the world. a juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity. We have received that trust with all its strength, all its glory, all its traditions; and the one thing we have to care for is that we pass them untarnished to our successors. hippy trust never nofx discogs (Cheers.) But. Genealogy for Charles Cecil Walter (1874 - 1950) family tree on Geni, with over 245 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. It is striking, though by no means a solitary indication of how low, in the present temper of English politics, our sympathy with our own countrymen has fallen. ), Speech in the Free Trade Hall, Manchester (16 April 1884), quoted in. treaties] as between contending states, she has no claim, so long as her own interests are untouched, to interfere in the national affairs of any country, whatever the extent of its misgovernment or its anarchy. And of course it was very very good advice. It is creeping over Europe rapidly: and I can not put off the conviction that it is dissolving every cement that holds society together. You would know that his thoughts were not your thoughts, that he could not justly estimate the circumstances or feelings in which you acted (hear, hear), and that, perhaps, his view of judicial duties was not such as Englishmen are accustomed to find in the Judges to whom their fortunes are consigned. We give our confidence to the people of England because they have always been loyal to the Queen, have always loved the law, and have always been passionately attached to the Empire. 'The Church in her Relations to Political Parties'. I have only a rather obvious and unsatisfying bit of research to offer, but as no one has previously cited a contemporaneous news item regarding th (Cheers.) They had watched it ripening year by year to the full development of mob supremacy. What advantage does my noble Friend think could be derived by humanity, civilization or commerce from leaving the vast tracts of territory which he has described to be simply wandered over by naked savages or to be the hunting ground of slavers? These are the things which are done, so to speak, on the side of war. People Projects Discussions Surnames I wish that there was any chance of awakening England to the necessity or the duty of sustaining upon the Continent the position which she acquired and held in former times. Speaking generally, I am desirous to push forward the argument from the interests of the people more than has hitherto been done. In the first character he is anxious to kill him, in the second he is anxious to rifle him. The last fifteen years have been one long disenchantment; and the American civil war is the culmination of the process. Letter to Disraeli (September 1876), quoted in G. Cecil. Whatever may be the written text of a Constitution, the multitude always will have leaders among them, and those leaders not selected by themselves. What has been done in the past can be done in the future. (Cheers.) I am quite surewhatever judgment may be passed on us, whatever predictions may be made, be your term of existence long or shortyou will never consent to act except as a free, independent House of the Legislature, and that you will consider any other more timid or subservient course as at once unworthy of your traditions, unworthy of your honour, and, most of all, unworthy of the nation you serve. [I]n this great battle Great Britain has deliberately stripped herself of the armour and the weapons by which the battle has to be fought. (Loud and continued cheers.) The one hope that we have to prevent this competition from ending in a terrible effort of mutual destruction which will be fatal to Christian civilizationthe one hope we have is that the Powers may gradually be brought together, to act together in a friendly spirit on all questions of difference which may arise, until at last they shall be welded in some international constitution which shall give to the world, as a result of their great strength, a long spell of unfettered and prosperous trade and continued peace. The reply was, "Oh, both in the House and out of it." After all, the great characteristic of this country is that it is a free country, and, Speech to the third annual banquet of the Kingston and District Working Men's Conservative Association (13 June 1883), quoted in, Half a century ago, the first feeling of all Englishmen was for England. If England is to remain supreme, she must be able to appeal to the coloured against the white, as well to the white against the coloured. By the end of this Conservative term of office, in August 1892, Britain's international position was higher than it had ever been before. I object on principle to doing by legislation what properly belongs to human good feeling and charity. -1902. Solitude shows us what should be; society shows us what we are. [A]s long as England is true to herself now or on any future occasion, if you allow this atrocious, this mean, this treacherous revolution to pass, you will be untrue to the duty which has descended to you from a splendid ancestry, you will be untrue to your highest traditions, you will be untrue to the trust that has been bequeathed to you from the past, you will be untrue to the Empire of England. It is idle to talk of leaving the Irish people to govern themselves. That vision of politics is perhaps peculiar to the English-speaking world. Such a revival of feeling on her part would not only draw classes together in this country and purify our internal conflicts from the material element which is coming to be dominant in them; but it would prove an important guarantee for the maintenance of the present structure of Europe. WebThe Queen tells Lord Salisbury, when confronting him, that she believes the old saying 'never trust a Cecil' applied aptly to Salisbury. A constitution depends upon the character of the people to whom it is applied, and there is no circumstance which influences those people more than the religion which they profess, and I will venture to say that there is no instance in the history of the world of any purely Mahomedan, or mainly Mahomedan, population flourishing under what we call popular institutions. something that stirs up anger or excitement, something that incites or provokes. (Hear, hear.) If we had interfered in the Confederate War it was then possible for us to reduce the power of the United States to manageable proportions. never trust a cecil Speech to the annual conference of the Home Counties Division of the National Union of Conservative Associations in Hastings (18 May 1892), quoted in, You do not imagine that the adversary of centuries can be converted by the honeyed words of two or three months into a fast, benevolent, and trusty friend. If any shame is left in the Americans, the first revision they will make in their constitution will be to repudiate formally the now exploded doctrine laid down in the Declaration of Independence, that 'Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed'. I say that we put all our money upon the wrong horse. If we had recognised the South ten years ago, America would have now been nicely divided into hostile states. They are well aware that thorny questions of controversy are not fit for men of unripe and unpractised minds, and that the only effect of asking them to choose impartially between all beliefs is to make them think that no belief is of much importance, and that at an age when temptations are strongest they may come to the conclusion that the moral maxims which rest on belief and belief alone are mere ancient and valueless superstitions. In the interests of our industry and our tradeI earnestly hope we shall do all we can to maintain, push forward, and strengthen our power in these rich and extensive regions, and that we shall not by any weakness, or feebleness, or undue economy now forfeit the brilliant hopes which a stronger policy might give us in the future. It is the world's conflict of the future. In every country resolutions are being formed and plans are being worked out for limiting still further the intercourse of nations with each other and interposing new barriers of tariff. Lord Salisbury had won the reputation of a great statesman in an age of great statesmen. Letter to H. W. Acland (4 February 1867), quoted in Lady Gwedolen Cecil. Our national fault is that too much softness has crept into our councils, and we imagine that great national dangers can be conjured by a plentiful administration of platitudes and rose-water. The production of cries is encouraged by a heavy bounty. The battle for political power is merely an effort, well or ill-judged, on the part of the classes who wage it to better or to secure their own position. After all, whatever political arrangements we may adopt, whatever the political constitution of our State may be, the foundation of all its prosperity and welfare must be that the mass of the people shall be honest and manly, and shall have common sense. (Hear, hear.) Neither of them, neither the love of organic changes nor the dislike of it, can be described as normal to a nation. We live in a small, bright oasis of knowledge, surrounded on all sides by a vast, unexplored region of impenetrable mystery. But when the pressure for change became so great that the attempt at complete blockage was no longer realistic, he altered his tactics and tried to weaken its force by agreeing selectively to some of the demands for reform. England is the Protestant nation of the world. The Odd Couple (2015) - It isthe question whether Englishmen in that part of the empire shall or shall not be placed at the mercy of native judges. Mostly take out order being picked up. You know very well that they will not govern themselves, but that the majority will govern the minority in a way utterly inconsistent with its rights, and in a manner utterly fatal to all its industrial and commercial hopes. Lord S. seemed to doubt this, and said, I thought somewhat meaninglessly, "No doubt the blow will have to be struck, and if so, the sooner it is struck the better." There is your unity. But I cannot look upon them as more likely to promote any cause I may have at heart than the other side. (Cheers.) I have no doubt that the converse is true, and now that we have shown what powers we can exercise, what qualities we can display, how really we can copy the brilliant example of those who have gone before us, that the power of England is not only illustrated by the example, but that it is safethat the cause of peace is now more secure than it was before the strength of England was conclusively shown. Speech to a meeting convened by the Irish Loyal and Patriotic Union in the Opera House, Haymarket (14 April 1886), quoted in, There is a state in Europe which has had very often to hear the word autonomy, which has had more than once to grant Home Rule and to see separation following Home Rule. As an English major, words mattered a great deal to him. Speech in the House of Lords (6 March 1890), quoted in. We must not desert the loyal people of Ulster. (Cheers.) Among men, the old, the phlegmatic, the sober-minded, among classes, those who have more to lose than to gain by change, furnish the natural Conservatives. It is patent on the face of history that the aggregates of men who form communities, like the aggregates of atoms that form living bodies, are subject to laws of progressive change be it towards growth or towards decay. Series One and Two, starring Claire Foy and Matt Smith as the monarch and consort, cover 1947 to 1963 and track Elizabeth's growth from young princess to experienced queen. Speech at the Guildhall (9 November 1897), quoted in, I have a strong belief that there is a danger of the public opinion of this country undergoing a reaction from the, Speech to the Primrose League in the Albert Hall (4 May 1898), quoted in, I have said for years that I always thought that when I knew what the, It is true that there had been spread about in the world the impression that we should never fight again, and that every adversary had only to press hardly and boldly upon us to be certain that we should yield. Journal entry (28 March 1852), quoted in Lady Gwedolen Cecil. The reason is very obvious, that the smaller nation becomes the basis of operations for the enemy of the larger nation, whether they are enemies from abroad or at home. Letter to W. H. Smith (5 February 1889), quoted in Michael Bentley. The noble Earl the late Foreign Secretary (the. [H]e never sees a voterespecially a Liberal voteradded to a constituency that he does not think he is going to have his pocket picked or that he is going to be robbed of some darling privilege. And it comes to us precisely from our great tradition of political amateurism. (Hear, hear.) But do not imagine that by merely affixing to it the reproach of Socialism you can seriously affect the progress of any great legislative movement, or destroy those high arguments which are derived from the noblest principles of philanthropy and religion. I am afraid that in Asia allegiance is merely the recognition of superior strength, and that the Afghans will, on the whole, ask themselves, when they are determining to whom their allegiance shall be given, which is the stronger Powerwhich is the Power that can protect their friends and punish their enemiesand I am afraid that they will conclude that the stronger Power is that which advances and never retreats, and not the Power which retreats and preaches all the way. (Hear, hear.) It is an intellectual and sophisticated Toryism, which employs an apparatus of close empirical reasoning to support the conclusions at which it is programmed by instinctive predilection to arrive. At Hotel Cecil's inception in 1924, Downtown Los Angeles was a hub of activity and economic prosperity. [T]he splitting up of mankind into a multitude of infinitesimal governments, in accordance with their actual differences of dialect or their presumed differences of race, would be to undo the work of civilisation and renounce all the benefits which the slow and painful process of consolidation has procured for mankindIt is the agglomeration and not the comminution of states to which civilisation is constantly tending; it is the fusion and not the isolation of races by which the physical and moral excellence of the species is advanced. Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, Volume IV: The Great Democracies, Modern Parliamentary Eloquence: The Rede Lecture, delivered before the University of Cambridge, November 6, 1913, TV Interview for De Wolfe Productions (30 December 1982), "Lord Salisbury (1830-1903) The Libertarian", https://en.wikiquote.org/w/index.php?title=Robert_Gascoyne-Cecil,_3rd_Marquess_of_Salisbury&oldid=3228025, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. And beyond these two there is nothing, so far as I know, of which the Conservatives are in any special way the protectors. Whether that was creditable to the House or not was a question into which he would not inquire; but every Member of the House the moment he saw the scheme upon the Paper saw that it belonged to the class of impracticable things. The customer showed me a passenger seat full of kittens and said do you want a kitten? And I said absolutely I do. To loot somebody or something is the common object under a thick varnish of pious phrases. You know there is an old proverb, "You may know a man by his associates," and you may notice, if you will follow the course of literature, that infidels are always Liberals. The really remarkable fact which is to be inferred from the conduct of the Southern States is, the genuine alarm with which they regarded the workings of Democracy. Every Scandalous Secret (Scandalous Lady, 3) $807. King George VI (Jared Harris), alive only in the first two episodes, We are in a state of bloodless civil war. We have to protect ourselves. Now if Conservative has any meaning at all, it means anti-Radical. It became them to remember that from that place, more than from any other in the kingdom, proceeded that influence which formed the public opinion of the age, and more especially that kind of public opinion which governed the action of officials in every part of the Empire. The fear that the Radicals may triumph is the only final cause that the Conservative party can plead for their own existence. Conflict in free states is the law of life. She didn't tell you about. You would not confide free representative institutions to the Hottentots, for instance. The Radicals are the only inheritors of the revolutionary views which the Conservative party was set up to counteract; and the two can no more act together, if both are honest, than a weasel can act with a rat. Not the number of noses, but the magnitude of interests, should furnish the elements by which the proportion of representation should be computedThe classes that represent civilisation, the holders of accumulated capital and accumulated thought have a right to require securities to protect them from being overwhelmed by hordes who have neither knowledge to guide them nor stake in the Commonwealth to control them. Home Uncategorized never trust a cecil. (Cheers. A. Shaw-Stewart (17 April 1867), quoted in Lady Gwendolen Cecil. Social stability is ensured, not by the cessation of the demand for changefor the needy and the restless will never cease to cry for itbut by the fact that change in its progress must at last hurt some class of men who are strong enough to arrest it. Conservative has any meaning at all, it means anti-Radical bright oasis of knowledge surrounded! Push forward the argument from the interests of the phrase `` Never trust a Cecil! `` Cecil!?... 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