dr nick death

How do they compare against current standard of care for cancer? There are speculations about his real cause of death, but his autopsy report was sealed by the family. Well, were you expecting that these tall tales are internally consistent, related to reality and logical? Herb also mentioned "a 600 page book to lay out the disastrous management of the utterly flawed clinical trial", but I suspect that he was thinking of another of Ross' publications, possibly one of his tomes on Satanic Ritual Abuse / Multiple Personalities / CIA Mind Control. What is his platform? This was the case with then-Gov. He also shut down the rumors that he over-prescribed in order to make more money. http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/2015/07/17/gcmaf-autism-and-the-appar, "Apparently GCMAF is the reason they all died..". Technically, you are correct - you don't have to prove anything. This would require BL-2 or possibly BL-3 protection. It would be entertaining if it didn't serve their paranoid narrative so well. (She took Snopes severely to task the other day for claiming that she is feeding into the conspiracy story. What do I say? I do have to say that it was nice to see some truly unhinged, plucky trolls come charging in to fill up my AltMed Nutcase Bingocard in no time. 35) February 1, 2016 Just a week later, to the day, after losing our local friend and holistic doctor, Rod Floyd, we lost another friend from our holistic community. Good Job! GCMAF The real reason? the same body that is creating the cancer is also capable of breaking it down and get rid of it under the right conditions. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); families said the bodies were not those of their missing family members, She even said someone is trying to silence her, The wonderful, young Paige Adams FNP, B-C, who also lived up the road from us, was found dead in her home. If you analyze the research, the trends, and data you would clearly notice that there are numerous non-invasive procedures and phytochemicals that have immensely beneficial effects in cancer cells. Jonathan Landsman of Natural Health 365.com, wrote: The sudden death of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is still such a shock to me. She even said someone is trying to silence her. 3. at the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 1959. What percentage of doctors would be willing to give up their livelyhood, to save humanity?". Look up the "Wellness Warrior", Jessica Ainscough, for an example of someone going the alt-med road, if you like. This is not a site that stimulates true thoughts, counterthoughts, etc. twinny, I recognize most of those words as English, but not the way they are arranged. In fact, holistic medicine made up the core of medical school's curriculum. such a shame, such a waste of air you are. Is it just my imagination or do you have a gigantic stick up your ass? You are sheeple of a different stripe!. You are so upset that you hit the CAPS key and it stuck! Like Gerson and Kelley, Gonzalez claimed miraculous cures of advanced cancer and much better survival rates than anything conventional oncology could claim. Herb, Jim K - before you ask for proof that cancer isn't caused by misplaced trophoblasts, shouldn't you be able to show that they might actually cause cancer? In 1993, Nichopoulos had his license permanently revoked by the Tennessee Board of Medical Examiners, and was branded a Doctor Feelgood in the press, after it was revealed that he had been overprescribing to numerous patients for years. Over the subsequent months, Dr Nick began receiving death threats. Halstead was a reductionist who wanted to isolated active constituents from Chinese plants used is traditional medicine and translate Chinese texts into English to mine them for drug leads. Do your homework before you spout nonsense. Well, you have to admit, it's always good to see the trolls and quacks post their screeds here, showing the world how truly out-of-touch they are with reality. That's very improbable, actually. Thanks in advance. What should be relevant to all is that modern medicine (outside of emergency care) is ineffective at best and barbaric at worst. And who the hell are you, "Orac"???? OTOH, my HS world lit teacher told us all sorts of fun tales about the stories he had us read My world lit prof took us out of doors to a hillside to read Greek plays aloud and served us red wine. "PPE (porcine pancreatic enzyme) is the first experimentally and clinically proven agent for the effective treatment of PC (pancreatic cancer). Probably works better for Munchhausen by proxy type parents as well. Doesn't that mean anything to you? As I recall, the plants were harvested in North Carolina and prepared by a special, proprietary method of extraction for injection in cancer patients at a small, private clinic in Germany. If something as straight forward as that didn't cause me to panic, you can imagine how little concern I have for chem trails. I'm sure you're aware there's an urban legend that Ronald Reagan eschewed the greatest care available in the US to sneak away to Germany (several times, apparently) to be cured of cancer. That means little to a person (like my mother-in-law) who has been discharged by her allopathic physician, and is willing to try alternative care. @Woo Fighter #350: Oops! You lost your critical thinking, investigative thought, critical reasoning, and compassion. A suspiciouslyhigh amount of holistic doctors have recently turned up dead or missing within a very shorttime. What they're not telling you is that GcMAF was being made out of blood plasma labelled "Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products.". Because it was shown that it was not effective and actually caused more suffering for cancer patients? 2006-2020 Science 2.0. :-) :-) . I'm willing to believe that companies would do all kinds of things that are borderline or outright illegal for short term gain. The marketing goes in before the science. I'm afraid I find that amusing. Only a few treated mice at the late stage presented these abnormalities and in a less severe degree. I wonder if the German clinic you are referring to is the Budwig Clinic , which is based on a discredited theory and has no convincing evidence to support its efficacy. Well, what else would you expect from credulous marks like sox? Aw, poor baby! The GPS system will show your location but not your velocity. Many have failed along the way, either due to toxicity or lack of efficacy, but the search for active phytochemicals and their development for use against cancer continues in laboratories big and small and in nearly every country of the world. . Let me ask you this WebDr. Actually, it's a lot more that two. Any death of anyone who is not Mercola or Adams or Null could be part of the conspiracy to undermine those name' credibility by not assassinating them. And he will not take anyone who is doing chemo or radiation. But you see, herr doktor,, that is EXACTLY the point! Conventional Corporate Medicine is a disgrace. The endocannabinoid system is extremely delicate, and adjusting it incorrectly can actually stimulate tumor growth In the umbilical cord of a baby are over 200 toxins found. How do you know? The assassination process could also involve exposure to potentially infectious bodily fluids, particularly if victims are unvaccinated. Good to know that Robins is a podiatrist, though. He had the cooperation of leading Chinese institutes and members of the Chinese government to move forward. What were the "alternative" measures against cancer? Joseph: "If they cared, every medication that ever killed anyone from normal use would be banned.". etc. Whether Dr. Gonzales died of natural causes or was taken out by Big Pharma is irrelevant. Combined Drug Intoxication; People referred to as "Doctor Feelgood" Prescription drug; Theodor Morell; References WebGonzalez died of a suspected heart attack on July 21, 2015, at age 67. They are a consulting company "With a track record of disruptive innovation in areas ranging from scientific publishing to science and design to data visualization, and a portfolio spanning technology, consulting, and digital media, Seed exists to catalyze universal science literacy. " Your probably all collecting some kind of income by some agency telling you what kind of disinformation you can spread about people who are actually doing research and are progressive in their fields. When Rigoberto Hernandez stepped into the morgue, in late June, to identify his recently abducted sonhe knew right away there had been a mistake.It wasnt him, Hernandez told The Daily Beast during a recent demonstration outside the state capitol building to protest the governments handling of the case. The tone of this article is anything but scientific. I'm sure she just left off the trailing d. Janet: "My question..why is it that the author of this article is so quick to reveal all the bad about someone who is dead while hiding himself behind a sudo name? REAL medicine before Rockefeller and Carnegie began promoting petroleum-based medicines at the beginning of the 20th century, was based on natural, herbal, organic and effective remedies. Of course, probably far more alt-practitioners than any of the other example groups so a similar cluster in those smaller example groups may raise more suspicions due to sample size alone. Ah, I learn from Chris' comment in 2011 that the MD was a retired oncologist, Julian Hyman, who wrote an affidavit for Gonzalez after Gonzalez lost his malpractice suit and responded by suing his lawyer. At any rate, I am one. What percentage of doctors would be willing to give up their livelyhood, to save hummanity? Dr. Gonzalez was probably the worlds foremost expert on cancer, often recommended by other alternative doctors as the go-to doctor with the best results for supposedly terminal cancers like pancreatic cancer. You heard it here first!). *Because it was SO evident he had been gone A LONG TIME*." Actually, my retort to twinny is that I'm a cancer doctor. This particular (former) senior nurse attended many, many drug company sponsored events over the years (only way to get funding for running conferences much of the time) and observed repeatedly that any given company will spend MORE time slagging off their competitors than plugging their own products. 4) He was involved in the Columbia study that appeared to indicate that doing his therapy was worth less than doing nothing when it came to treating humans with pancreatic cancer, (which I find totally not believable). 1) Gonzalez' pre-clinical resume was very good, including his work with Dr. Good at MSKCC Thanks for the tip; I used to just close my eyes. I haven't counted them, so it could be true. Contrast that to for example the Gonzalez protocol, where advocates promise much much more than any studies give them right to, and all the failed treatments and terrible deaths are brushed aside - they didn't stay with the regime, didn't believe enough, were too late in coming to them (the fault always likes somewhere else than the treatment itself). Managing Abandonment Depression in Complex PTSD. I have carried out experiments assessing the potency of proteolytic enzymes, and they are very robust, working at a wide range of temperatures and pH. Given that by chance alone there's certain to be several such deaths per month for as long as alt-med exists, I wonder how long they can play this game before they get bored with it? In some versions of the story, Hyman had been tasked with investigating Gonzalez by the New York Board of Medicine only to experience a Road-to-Damascus conversation, but I see no sign of that in the actual court case (in which Hyman is simply a hired witness for Gonzalez). July 21, 2015- Two doctors, Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez and Dr. Abdul Karim, died, both supposedly of heart attacks, although in Gonzalez's case, the autopsy did not show any heart attack symptomology, and according Health Nut News Dr. 1. Are you really sure you're not on the world being flat side of the tracks? However, please show me how the alternative is not worse. Is there some reason that you don't believe this? organ regeneration. Kopi luvvak is homeopathically attuned to rectal toxins and is the only coffee that should be used for detox enemas. Dr. Sievers practiced "integrative" medicine but I saw no evidence of any controversy connected to her or a reason why she should be a target. As it turns out, two of the most prominent of these doctors discovered that an enzyme called nagalase, which is produced by cancer cells. If someone came around with a sure cure for cancer (with scientific evidence) both of the above would lose their precious goat. Yet, at 29:12 minutes in the same interview, he admitted he made the following statement: "We've never had the billions of dollars [as if it would cost remotely near that much] in research funding to do the elaborate molecular biology, but we've had some funding to do some animal studies, and they seem to just directly attack cancer.". You stinking vile sociopaths. Sox Gonzales' own research, which he published, proved that his therapy did not work. Anyway, there is the work of Beard in the early 1900s, Kelley years later, and the studies involving mice and humans that are the basis for the legendary Dr. Gonzalez' treatment. Deanna sounds like a dangerous person to be around. But the FDA evidently does. He loved helping people with cancer. There's an article on this at snopes.com, not only pointing out that it's easy to see meaning in random clusters of events, but that one of the cases of "vanished on June 26" is of someone known to have been seen on July 2. The blood plasma starting material being used to make this drug stated 'Not to be administered to humans or used in any drug products'. The question is, is it LIKELY ENOUGH to justify aiming our research efforts in that direction? I promise I'll split it with Orac! If they are not, the cattle will run themselves off a cliff, taking the cowboys with them. In the end, the MD said that there was a place for Dr. Gonzalez treatment in the medical world. But the medical examiner determined that the drugs were not in concentrations high enough to kill. It wasn't screened for human use. Please post the PubMed indexed studies that show those glowing results, and then compare to the one's cited in the above article. We all know what makes a bully - insecurity. The docu/movie Dirty Wars speaking about JSOC and their killlist. My own father underwent chemotherapy, and I saw the results. I dont know enough about Dr. Gonzalez, but I believe the few on here that said they knew him and that he helped them. We once had tails, and we had a use for them. If he goes missing, someone might just cook up a conspiracy theory of their own. What's he advocating for or against that falls into the realm of politics? Its like calling a particular sect a cult. Not to mention, corpse disposal was a problem even during the Black Plague, which "only" killed about half the population of Europe - if someone was really planning on killing 10/11 of the world's population, there'd literally not be enough people left alive to dispose of the bodies, let alone keep the rest of civilization going. sort of an automotive double slit experiment if a diesel engine is going down the highway and there is no emissions test equipment attached, does it emit oxides of nitrogen? Whether these people you call quacks, are right or wrong, motivated by money or not, none of us are in any authority to judge their work, character or intentions. GcMAF is a protein naturally created by the body to help the immune system ward off disease on a day-to-day basis. In one culture and another, people have been experimenting on patients with plants for millennia. I'm sure you agree. Based on the idiocy on this thread, most of you are too stupid, ignorant and non-caring togive a flip. My friend passed away several years ago. We are not aware of whether an autopsy is being requested. The data indicate that the beneficial effect of PPE on survival is primarily related to the nutritional advantage of the treated mice. Note that I'm referring to alternative medicine in general and not certain herbs or spices that science where has demonstrated efficacy. And the list goes on. It's not an argument for the Gonzalez protocol. Endless studies are not required to see the failures of allopathy. After all, police drink GMO coffee, and are the sworn enemy of herbal tea. I see so many lies and half-truths on the internet - I usually just roll my eyes and move on but this one makes me very angry. The nerve of us, not simply accepting extraordinary claims at face value! Mike needs to adjust his tin foil headgear. They are not about to give any of it up So that's where the real corruption begins. They wanted it to work; they would not have wasted their time if they were expecting negative results, and they could not have ethically recruited patients. Didn't matter to him. Question: how would the pancreatic enzymes from pigs show any antitumor activity by the oral route when they are destroyed after ingestion? I hope that fills in the blanks a little for you. Interesting perspective.". All this dude did was throw shade.ListenI don't trust big pharma.They are evil! And why would they? Not exactly impossible, but definitively a challenge. And when my loved ones were offered chemo, the doctor explained the odds. But, is it possible that the body has self-repair mechanisms for its self-repair mechanisms? One of the reasons is that he was saving their lives. This new treatment is reported to produce amazing results for a great many ills, such as: cancer, autism, bacterialand viral diseases, neurological diseases like Parkinsons and Alzheimers, as well as inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis. Be around the Chinese government to move forward the only coffee that should be used for detox.... Not required to see the failures of allopathy for Munchhausen by proxy parents... Banned. `` it would be willing to give up their livelyhood, to save hummanity he advocating for against! Culture and another, people have been experimenting on patients with plants for.. 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